Lady Cop and the Porno Queen
Lady Cop and the Porno Queen
by Marie LeClare
I don’t know why they called me the porno queen, but that’s how the publicity read from the studio with my new video “Where the Girls Are,” and I had to visit some of the adult stores in England to sign autographs.
This was not like the opening of a major movie studio’s movie with all the news media. It was just I visiting the stores to meet customers and sign autographs.
So as I climbed aboard the big silver tube to fly to England I hoped I might meet somebody for some fun like I had on a previous trips, but no such luck, and I was bored stiff.
Having confused the hours I arrived at the adult store early just as the clerk was tidying up for the start of her day, and knocked on the door.
When she opened the door she was so excited that she almost couldn’t speak, saying “Oh my it’s you, I mean you’re early, we’re not open yet, please come in, I don’t have the tea on yet.”

Meeting of the Porno Stars
Meeting of the Porno Stars
by Marie LeClare
Some of y’all who know me, know that I model for the adult entertainment business, which of course is porno, and never with a guy, but I try to keep both my lives separate on the internet. The only reason I do that is because I keep getting asked for my pictures, as if I had nothing better to do. So, it’s a loosely kept secret.
It had been a busy year, but since I am well known under my professional name, I had spent a great deal of time traveling to Europe, which I love, probably because at 27 I’m still very much in demand, and get quite a few gigs.
So when I was asked to do a special appearance in Baltimore, Maryland at an entertainment complex, along with another star from Canada I readily accepted. I wont mention her full name but part of it is Busty, and her like me, is a lesbian. So this was 2 days I intended to enjoy.
Incidentally, she is a fan of my erotic lesbian stories and I told her I was going to write a story with her in it, and she loved the idea.
When the white stretch limousine pulled up in front of the complex, I noticed a SUV from Canada in the parking lot an assumed it was Busty’s or her agents, and as I got out of the limousine, I noticed her approaching the car and greeting me.
“Wow you’re here,” she said with a big smile.
She had used my professional name so I told her my real name is Marie, and that I was pleased to meet her.

Evils of Pornography
One Hand Bandit
This story was told to me by one of my sex therapy patients. Name with-held by request.
I have seen firsthand the damage pornography can do, because I was a 12-wank-a-day addict for many years. Like many pornography addicts, my addiction to sexually explicit material started during adolescence, when I discovered my Dad’s cache of anal and ass porn in my parents dresser drawer.

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Instant Porn
Aren’t you tired of surfing surfing surfing the net searching for good kinky porno stories? You know, the kind with bestiality, pedophilia, scat, perversion, excitement and celebrities? Well stop all that surfing and create a different porn story every time you need to pull the pope.
It’s as easy as pushing the button below.

Taryn Toomey’s elitist humblebrag Sunday
Taryn Toomey, 39, the founder of the Class by Taryn Toomey, perhaps the most pretentious, useless and self-centered class ever is a mind-body workout that “invites students to witness their resistance to discomfort,” (Jesus Fuck) has somewhat of a cult following (very few followers, but they are obsessive to the point of neuroses). Students from across the metropolitan area are heading to her year-old TriBeCa studio to sweat, cry and scream, as she urges them to “dig deeper.” Like Great Britain, they have nothing to give but their sweat, tears and screams. On Sundays, Ms. Toomey cherishes quality time with her husband, Mark Toomey, 48, who works in finance (although he doesn’t figure into the day much, really, other than to finance this leisure-class bint’s flim-flam “classes”), and their two daughters, Scarlett, 8, referred to as Lettie, and Finley, 6, continuing the practice of giving kids unlikely and non-traditional names to stick it in the eye of their parents, who find their contrived names juvenile and pointless. The family lives in TriBeCa because of course.

dwf forum
dwf forum
dwf updates
dwf members gallery
The name is redundant, but dwf forum = the Doc Weasel Forum (Forum).
Six color schemes with a H. R. Giger theme.
If you want to comment on any of the posts on dwb join dwf forum. We don’t have time to police the comments here for spam and trolls. The way the internet works, you get blamed for the comments, so you either have to censor them or you have to live with their stink on you. Instead, if you want to have your say, join the forum and post whatever stench you like. Since you have to join to read, no one can link hateful comments and try to pin them on us to the general public.

getting a monumentally sized site back up
The docweasel.com site was/is huge. It was 10 years in the making, the efforts of dozens of contributors and several obsessed editors, of which I was one. I just don’t have that drive anymore, especially since the entire E/N scene which supported the site and gave it a raison d’etre is long gone. Who cares anymore.
The only reason I’m trying to get the most valuable parts back up is all the work the original crew did was great and deserves to be around as long as I have hte resources to keep it so.
And, in putting up the old stuff I’m finding real value, including that rarest of avis, material no available elsewhere on the web.