Girlsex! Kitten With a Whip
Kitten With a Whip
by Marie LeClare
The words appeared on the instant message that I sent her, and I could tell from the response that she wanted more. So we had agreed to meet when I was expected to be in her hometown, and I told her not to be late, and to present herself to me naked.
I waited patiently for her arrival at the Four Seasons Hotel, but she was late. I remembered what we had chatted about on the Internet, and looked at the adult toys I had brought with me on the trip.
The knock on the door was so faint I almost missed it but as I opened the door I was greeted by the prettiest brunette, with the deepest dimples.
I had dressed appropriately in a leather mini skirt, with thigh high boots.
I looked at her and said “If you do not present yourself to me naked I will not acknowledge you,” and with that I closed the door, to the sounds of her protests that it was so public.

Kelly’s Sorority Sister Sex
Kelly’s Sorority Sisters
(As it was told to me)
by Marie LeClare
My college roommate and I use to masturbate each other and for each other. We would jokingly call this the “tension reliever”. She also used to joke and say, “When nobody else would, Kelly would”.
We were best of friends and sorority sisters. As I’m thinking about it the story seems long and complicated so I’ll try to keep it short and simple.
We met our freshman year during sorority rush. We joined the same sorority and became fast friends. We did a lot together freshman year and because of our friendship decided to room together sophomore year. I don’t know what it was but we were always close as we seemed to be on the same wavelength on virtually everything. I felt and I think she felt a closeness that was different from our other girlfriends.
We were close but things really changed sophomore year. At the end of sorority rush there were these huge parties at all the houses. It was the only time we could have organized beer parties on sorority grounds. The parties started in the afternoon and went until the kegs ran dry. Of course, during the party there was singing, dancing, hugging, jubilation as the sisters welcomed the new members, and of course, we all got very drunk.
When the kegs would run dry we would go over to the fraternities who have organized parties so that we could continue well into the night. Our sorority and another one went to one fraternity that had invited another fraternity over so there were suppose to be about an equal number of guys to girls. Well, it seemed the girls outnumbered the guys by a wide margin but that was ok because we danced and sang with each other. Again, lots of drunk girls hugging, dancing singing, drinking but it was all very innocent.

Great new site! Japan-Sex.Asia
In the Western tradition, the idealized nude and—more explicitly—sex have long been sticking points in artistic discourse across generations—controversial for their beauty on the one hand, and its supposedly sinful nature on the other.
In stark contrast, Japanese erotica in paintings and prints have held a ubiquitous position in society, starting with the Heian aristocracy of the ninth century and trickling down to a rising, modern urban middle class.
While styles have changed over the centuries, these works are connected by a shared celebration of life’s fleeting, earthly pleasures under the term ukiyo-e, or the Floating World.
A great new site from our friends at Japan-Sex.Asia. The .asia domains are going to be a very lucrative investment in the coming years, and this site offers some great ones for sale. Grab them now, while prices are reasonable, they will only grow in value in the coming year.

Net Sex Roles

Troll him troll her
You’d think that with the ambiguity of the Internet, sexual issues that trouble real life interaction would find little “breeding” ground in the ‘net. In this dream world of cyberspace people are asexual, everyone gets along, no one has a strong opinion about anything, and everyone respects one another. This gleaming utopia, which is equally improbable in real life, naturally can’t exist on the Internet.

SexDotJapan brings eastern culture to your computer screen!
In the Western tradition, the idealized nude and—more explicitly—sex have long been sticking points in artistic discourse across generations—controversial for their beauty on the one hand, and its supposedly sinful nature on the other.
In stark contrast, Japanese erotica in paintings and prints have held a ubiquitous position in society, starting with the Heian aristocracy of the ninth century and trickling down to a rising, modern urban middle class.
While styles have changed over the centuries, these works are connected by a shared celebration of life’s fleeting, earthly pleasures under the term ukiyo-e, or the Floating World.
A great new site from our friends at Japan-Sex.Asia. The .asia domains are going to be a very lucrative investment in the coming years, and this site offers some great ones for sale. Grab them now, while prices are reasonable, they will only grow in value in the coming year.

Hillary! says of her reputed Scissor Sister Huma Abedin: "I did NOT have sex with that woman!"
Rumors are swirling about Huma Abedin, who goes everywhere with Hillary!, might be the Democrat front-runner’s scissor sister. This blog, of course, does not deal in innuendo and rumor.
Ok, this stuff is just too good to pass up:

Froma Harrop, dumb-ass, sexist, asinine, corrupt, cretinous, morally bankrupt, tone-deaf, smug, elitist, ideologically ossified leftist: LIKE A FOX!
I just read this wonderful satire by giant douche Froma Harrop.
What a delightfully silly and stupid name for what is obviously a humorous concoction by some right-wing wag: and it’s just a classic! You’d think it was serious, but no one could be that much of a dull witted, cretinous wanker, of course not.

Racists for Romney – Closet racists, sexists and xenophones use support for Romney to push their campaign of hate and repression
When this campaign cycle began, I supported Guiliani. I knew nothing about Huckabee, since then I’ve heard him say a lot of idiot god-stuff, he’s apparently playing the card that “the Republican establishment hates Evangelicals, its time we got in their face and nominated one, who happens to be me“, which is a pretty weak argument.
McCain I didn’t like because he made his bones being a “maverick”, which means bashing Republicans and President Bush, which of course the MSM loves to report, and McCain loves press more than the Dallas Cowgirls love to get an ass-whuppin’ on national TeeVee. I also didn’t care for his “campaign finance reform”, but let’s face it, all that crap is esoterica and there are a million ways around it, and it sure didn’t stop the Swiftboaters. Its meaningless in the long run- the money will get out there, they can try to direct the flow but it will get out there anyway. Its a non-issue to me.

Mormonism is a racist, sexist and intolerant hate cult, and Romney is a fascist, racist, oppressive lying scumbag
Hugh Hewitt, lapdog for Mitt Romney, pronounces that prime example of Mormon racist-and-hate-with-a-smile a master politician: