worthless1000 text contests: rigged, amateurish, poorly vetted, bad quality — click to embiggen
Worth1000 has built a stellar reputation with its very challenging Photoshop contests and artists that rise to the challenge. Their stuff has been the fodder for countless internet hoaxes, its so real it fools experts.
However, they also dabble in “text” contests, which are writing contests. They might have been worth a C in a highschool creative writing class. If you are a serious writer, be warned, you’re wasting your time unless you want to put in a long time investment of sucking up and submitting stories for no other result than to get slapped down and put in your place.
New members are slapped down hard, with very low scores by special admins with high “karma”- this allows them to sandbag writers they don’t want to win and overrule the greater membership. If you have 200 karma (which all admins do) that means your 6 out of 10 vote counts 200 times. Its very hard to overcome a block of moderators voting en masse, since only a couple thousand votes are cast in text contests, which are much less popular than Photoshop contests.