Damn, what do you have to do to get an X rating?
Our main site is pretty bawdy, but still doesn’t rate an X rating. It only gets NC-17, same as the blog, and the mainsite is WAAAAY dirtier.
Full of tits and ass, even though there’s no hardcore, there is some girl on girl and somewhere they may be penetration, even though its only tongue or toy.
And, we’d like to point out that docweasel.com is a NO-PICKLE zone- no man-ass-picnic across your monitor here. Only naked females, which is the good pr0n.

All Girl’s College Fun

Who doesn’t love a chubby babe? Not a big fat pig with cottage cheese cellulite, but I mean, the hell with a Playboy model with fake tits and a washboard stomach, what we all really want is a cute honey with a little pooch belly and a round, firm chubby butt! Here’s some chubby chicks and a chubby lesbian story to wet your whistle to. We threw some old, ugly and hairy ones in too for variety. Enjoy!

Trucker and the Hitchhiker Get to it
Trucker and the Hitchhiker Get to it
by Chase
illustrations from Erection Crew by Julius
This story is part of the “Get2itt” series, a group of original stories w/ no subplots, plot development, extraneous characters, character development, useless dialog and great tedious length. These stories get to the point, for the busy maturbator with no time to scroll through trivialities while searching out the “meat” of the story. The author has thoughtfully left all their artistic pretensions at the door and gotten to what you really want to read: licking, fucking and sucking. For comments, story subject requests and hate mail, write to the author at :get2itt@hotmail.com. We are completely quadrasexual here, equal representation is afforded to gay, lesbian, bi, and transexuals. Thanks for your time.