Matinee Lesbian with a little slut
Matinee Lesbian Slut
by Marie LeClare
Tina didn’t start out as a lesbian or a slut. She was a normal 14 year old sweet little girl, who had matured early, but after she had her first lesbian experience with a friend of her mothers, she just couldn’t get enough.
She would masturbate every night thinking of the woman who had introduced her to lesbianism, and if her mother was at work, she would rub more frequently.
She enjoyed other things that other girls her age enjoyed, like music, and sports at school, and of course she was a good student, although she lived in a poor section of town, it didn’t seem to bother her.
There was one old rundown movie theatre near her home, that was one step away from being closed as an unsafe structure, but it was cheap, that really didn’t care how old you were for an adult movie, if you had the money you could get in and Tina would go there on Saturday afternoons, because it was never crowded and the lights that were supposed to be on during the movie were always burnt out and never replaced.