PB Downloaded Movie Night
Mostly newish movies, some good, some duds. You can’t win them all. I’m surprised that most new movies seem to be low budget horror, although it’s been that way since what, the ’30s, ’40s? The ’50s were famous for them, Hammer cornered the market in the ’60s, then the ’70s were the start of the zombie and slasher flicks, the ’80s brought on the shlock and sex indies like Troma Entertainment’s Toxic Avenger (1984) and continued into the ’90s with stuff like Brian Yuzna’s Bride of Reanimator.

English Boarding School
English Boarding School
By Marie LeClare
Here in Southampton, England, outside of rain all the time, families send their children to boarding schools for the discipline, and my family was no different and off I was marched from when I was 8 until I was 18.

Women Only Nudist Commune
All Natural Commune
by Marie LeClare
I moved to a commune when I was 12, with my Mommy, and I didn’t know exactly what a commune was, outside of the fact that we didn’t wear any clothes and my Daddy had lots of other Mommies. Everyone let their underarm and pussy hair grow to a full bush and everywhere I looked I saw natural boobs, hanging full and round. Even at 12 I was still nursing and at the commune all the kids nursed from whatever Mommy’s tits happened to be near. I loved the taste of all the Mommies at the camp and learned to enjoy the particular sexy smell of every Mommy’s furry bush.
I was short at 12 and my nose came right up to most Mommies’ crotch so I could easily get a good whiff standing in line for something or just hanging around. I’d stand next to a pretty young mommy with my arms around her thighs hugging her with my nose presssed deep within her buttcrack.
I really enjoyed it when we had to go to town and I got to see other girls my age wearing pretty dresses and bows in their hair, but my Mommy said that pretty dresses were work of the devil, so I was forced to wear a plain old gray dress, that was handed down to me by the Mommy of an older girl.
Things went along pretty normally, with school, where we were told to read the Mother Earth magazine and learn about crops. Sports and of course church until I was about 14, when I first learned about sex.
I was used to having sleepovers with my bestest friend in the whole world, Nancy. She even had breasts already. Well not large breasts but you could see her bumps where breasts would form, and we were so excited that she was becoming a woman, at least we thought so at our age. Why she had even had her period on a regular basis.

Call Me Butch
I never wanted to be a girl even before I was old enough to go to school I preferred to dress like a boy and play the roughhouse games with the boys. I rebelled against any attempt to make me into girl
I wanted my hair cut short so I didn’t have to waste time drying it, or having hair get in my eyes while playing. I’m sure my parents were disappointed that I was not the girl they had wanted me to be

Damn, what do you have to do to get an X rating?
Our main site is pretty bawdy, but still doesn’t rate an X rating. It only gets NC-17, same as the blog, and the mainsite is WAAAAY dirtier.
Full of tits and ass, even though there’s no hardcore, there is some girl on girl and somewhere they may be penetration, even though its only tongue or toy.
And, we’d like to point out that docweasel.com is a NO-PICKLE zone- no man-ass-picnic across your monitor here. Only naked females, which is the good pr0n.

Body Modifications
Body Modifications
This week docweasel.com brings you some of the strange, sexy, disturbing and downright nauseating things people do to their bodies in the name of sexual fetishes. Its all here, from simple piercings and tattoos, to branding, to pumping, to mutilation, castration, amputation… you get the picture. Eunuchs, transexuals, sexual reconstruction, every bloody sight your sick and twisted little hearts can desire. These images will sear deeply into your psyche, haunt your dreams and burn themselves indelibly into the retina of your soul, and you may never have normal sexual thoughts and feelings again. Enjoy!