Hollywood asshats strike again!
Fresh off the Sheryl Crow toilet paper fiasco, I have new blog material from another celebutard actor turned film-maker who has turned his mediocre talents toward attacking the politician most relevant to the political situation in America today: RONALD REAGAN!
And thank you Mr. Riehl
UPDATE: Score! Arquette responds (at 1:30am his time, look who’s up all night checking his fans!) via MySpace Messenger:
Apr 16, 2007 4:31 AM
Relax pal and have a sense of humor. Reagan hated hippies so it’s not that far from the truth. A lot of Reagan lovers love this film. At the screening someone yelled out 4 more years. It’s an anti-war movie not an anti-reagan movie. I feel the leaders of this world that use violence and war as the solution to all of our problems are the true murderers of our world but that being said… fuck off and go back to your little tart friends you perv. Way to go in voting in the worst president this country has ever had. Oh yeah Docweasel thats a winner. Prick!
My response to that:
Apr 16, 2007 4:39 AM
My main point is you hollywood fucks are such a bunch of sheep. Can’t _one_ of you take an actual BRAVE stand against real murderers, you know, the kind that blow up innocent people at marketplaces and crash planes into buildings? Oh yeah, I forgot, Bush planned 9-11 and the US killed more Iraqis than Saddam, when it was happiness and light and rainbow skies over there.I know Iraqis, via the intranet sure, but I have known several for 3 years. They want democracy. They want us to stay and help them. The US had a major civil war almost 100 years into the Republic. This shit takes time. These people are building a democracy from scratch. Germany, Japan, all of South America, hell, most of Europe didn’t master democracy in 3 years. I really don’t see how so called “librulz” can just want to abandon people to barbarity.That includes Afghanistan, where the Taliban killed gays, where women were chattel, where girls who were raped were slaughtered by their families. Women sit in elected bodies now. That’s progress. The US made it possible.
The war in Iraq an absolute good thing, a noble cause, a necessary cause.. War is bad, but its sometimes necessary. Solved fascism, slavery and independence for the US.
UPDATE II: Myspacing all night with Dave Arquette!:
His response to my reply (again, Myspace messaging back and forth):
Apr 16, 2007 4:49 AMThe war in Iraq is about Oil. Your shit ass government (meaning the crooks in the whitehouse) have raped this country. If you wanna get mad at someone get mad at them. You’re responsible for their ignorance and crimes to this country. I got no problem with good Republicans or War when it is the final unavoidible reality but what your president has don’t is more for money then anything else. Why wasn’t the Iraq war supported by the U.N.? Where are those fucking weapons of mass-distruction? Get mad at them. I love this country and I love the freedom I have here and I only wish that for the whole war but 166 billion for a false threat to get Halliburton and other corporations no bid contracts? That’s not democracy that’s evil shit wake up clown.
That being said I think you might enjoy my flick none the less.
And my reply to his oil, U.N. & WMD gambit (pretty easy to rebut here, this is typical left winger boilerplate stuff, long disproven but still spouted by those too ignorant to research):
Apr 16, 2007 5:05 AM
Gee, that’s funny. It would have been cheaper to just buy it instead of spending billions invading Iraq. But I guess Bush’s evil plan to attack Iraq just to get the oil worked! Or DID it?NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) – Despite claims by some critics that the Bush administration invaded Iraq to take control of its oil, the first contracts with major oil firms from Iraq’s new government are likely to go not to U.S. companies, but rather to companies from China, India, Vietnam, and Indonesia.Well, that blows that theory. Maybe he did it for sand?
The US DID find WMD in Iraq, hundreds of them, and evidence thousands more were spirited out.
WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center’s commander said here today.
“These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes … they do constitute weapons of mass destruction,” Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The UN did support the war (they just didn’t want to fight it).
UNSCR 678 – November 29, 1990
* Iraq must comply fully with UNSCR 660 (regarding Iraq’s illegal invasion of Kuwait) “and all subsequent relevant resolutions.”
Here’s the money—>>>> * Authorizes UN Member States “to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area.”
I’ll post again if he replies.
ORIGINAL POST: (before D. Arquette responded when I sent him a link)
I hate to even link this asshat.
Yes, in a family with five siblings who have a combined acting talent of Lindsey Lohan’s ass, David Arquette shines as the dimmest bulb of the Arquette clan.
Yeah, a movie about a Ronald Reagan obsessed and look-alike killer. Nicely played. Makes perfect sense, seeing as Reagan was a hero to homicidal maniacs everywhere. No reason to respect the guy’s family or memory by _not_ making a low budget, unoriginal, lame-ass slasher movie appropriating his image for your horseshit. Listen to the blowhard preaching about Republicans “sending people off to die”. Nothing about the mass murderers they are fighting or the innocent people who they are trying to protect. More lefty winger hate for President Bush. And doncha know how no one has freedom of speech since GWB started jailing people and taking away civil rights of those who dare criticize him. Well, except for the 20,000 or so lock-step Hollywood lefty filmakers like Michael “more of me to love” Moore, most of the herd mentality “comedians” out there, talk show morons like Rosie O’ “I like to eat butter by the stick!” Donnell, elderly musicians like Neil Young and wannabe iconoclasts like the Ditzy Chicks, every Democrat politician etc.
Get over your fucking self. Why don’t you do a movie about a serial rapist and sexual predator who rewarded underlings for sex, thereby punishing any intern who didn’t have sex with him. As well as losing his law license for perjury and paying a hefty settlement for attempting to sexually assault another underling. And being fingered by half a dozen other women for rape, attempted sexual assault, coercion to have sex using his office of governor, etc.
Oh wait, it would have to be a documentary, and you Democrat party shill Hollywood wingnuts are pretty famous for fictionalizing or falsifying actual factual stuff.
So I guess carry on making up stupid shit using honorable people that don’t share your politics. I file this under the same lefty-winger-porn as the film about assassinating President Bush. I’m sure Mrs. Reagan will appreciate your classy exploitation of her deceased husband, a hero to the free world and whom Eastern Europeans would probably nominate for sainthood if they could, as well.
I hope you lose your ass on this movie and drop off the earth back into oblivion, where you belong. Get a fucking life and get a fucking original and entertaining idea before you come back spamming your crap all over Myspace front page and wasting people’s time and insulting your betters. Then all those blow-jobs you gave to get your movie made won’t have been in vain.
Oh, and just to clarify, I dislike this David Arqu-writer/director/leadactor-ette and his movie. I’m usually so subtly ironic in my postings some people miss my true feelings.