Barbra StreisWeasel
“The idea of a liberal media bias is simply a stupid stupid lie made up by the conservative media about the good medias out there. If only it were true, we might have a more open-minded public debate on the issues facing the country instead of idiot conservative ideas I don’t even want to hear or get into, they are so stupid. Everything good that has happened in this country is founded on the ideology of Democrat liberalism. Liberals in the past were liberators who fought for a woman’s right to kill her fetus, and except for all the Southern Democrats fought to end segregation in the United States.”
…Barbra Streisweasel
This section contains statements and speeches by Ms. Streisweasel.
The “So-Called” Liberal Media
…Barbra Streisweasel
Posted on The idea of a liberal media bias is simply a stupid stupid lie made up by the conservative media about the good medias out there. If only it were true, we might have a more open-minded public debate on the issues facing the country instead of idiot conservative ideas I don’t even want to hear or get into, they are so stupid. Everything good that has happened in this country is founded on the ideology of Democrat liberalism. Liberals in the past were liberators who fought for a woman’s right to kill her fetus, and except for all the Southern Democrats fought to end segregation in the United States.
Thanks to liberals, today we have public education that is in the top 100 developed nations in the world, Social Security that is solvent at least until 2010, Medicare and Medicaid that takes care of many of the sick people at only about 3-4 times the cost of private insurance, environmental protection laws that keep property owners from building where we don’t want them to, a minimum wage law to keep employers from hiring too many people at low wages…among many 1000’s of other wonderful Government programs, grants, pngts, entitlements etc.
Sure you have to tax and spend, so call me a tax and spend liberal. Such a label should be worn with a badge of honor and defended by Democrats, not allowed to be used as slander by the Right Wing zealot Nazi-fascist babykillers who can’t do anything but call names instead of debate intelligently.
Frankly, the idea that the media is sympathetic to conservative causes rather than liberal ones is obvious, for reasons of common human decency, ideas based on sense instead of some great imaginary superhero in the sky (so-called Jesus), and other outdated cutural biases like ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
Dan Rather was castigated by the media for airing the Bush National Guard story before completely verifying four measly documents. As we have known for years, Bush is a bad man and looks like a chimp and we don’t need any stinking documents to prove that. Good honest, moderate and middle of the road reporters like Rather shouldn’t even have to produce documents for the public, his word is good enough for me. After all, he’s never lied to us before.
As if that weren’t enough proof, the LA times also reported the story and even printed that when asked to report to Vietnam, Bush checked the box stating “nuh uh.” Now, an award-winning, fair minded and respected journalist has decided to retire early with a black mark on his career all because of a few forged documents and then lying about it. Don’t forget that he was one of the fine journalists that brought down the evil Richard Nixon. He shouldn’t be disgraced just because of a five-year obsession to “bring down the Bush family and all my Republican enemies”.
Among the litany of false claims by the Bush Administration were a link between Saddam Hussein and terrorists, just because notorious Al Qaeda members were living freely in Iraq. Hey, I have house-sitters and servants at my houses all the time and I’m not always around to keep tabs on them. If they let a friend stay over for a night does that mean all the sudden I’m responsible for harboring Kato Kailen and involved in the O.J. murders? And that man was innocent btw, set up by the L.A. Cops. You never heard about any of them facing charges either, which was the real disgrace.
Hundreds of housands of young U.S. soldiers and a hundred thousand million innocent Iraqis have died in vain, thousands of millions more have been wounded and more continue to die everyday as this war wages on. The hypocrisy would be laughable, if it wasn’t so tragic. Saddam may have had some excesses, but if you watch the wonderful documentary by Mike Moore, you can easily see Iraqi children lived a wonderful life in a fun-filled Mid East paradise, flying kites and jumping and playing happily, with President Saddam (rightfully elected with a REAL mandate, 100% of the vote! Stick that in your hat, DUBYA!) benignly watching over them.
The press failed once again with regard to fellow Journalist Robert Novak, who stooped to a low in journalistic integrity by naming an undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame in his nationally syndicated column, thereby destroying her career and putting her life in danger. Ms. Plame and her husband appeared in a 20 page photo spread to charge her privacy had been invaded and that now terrorists she had worked against would know her name.
The article also had great shots of all their homes in various cities, lots of pix of Mr. and Mrs. Plame and all the kids and relatives, and told abit about what schools they went to and where their various residences were located. It was a really fun article with loads of interesting info on the Plame’s daily lives and scedules. I really enjoyed it. But to conclude, revealing Ms. Plames name probably put her in a lot of danger and now she’ll probably have to live in fear someone who doesn’t like CIA people will find her. See how conservatives expose liberals to unwanted publicity?!
Remember back during the 2000 election when RNC employees posed as “irate local citizens” and burned polling places in Florida and decapitated election moniters in order to squelch the recount process? Where was the press coverage of those atrocities? You never read anything about it. We are forced to resort to the truth telling to power of various liberal watchdog sites on the net to get the REAL story. Where was the press coverage of Florida’s highly controversial no-vote list, which was produced by a former member of the KKK, denying tens of thousands of eligible voters the right to vote with its controversial “whites only” requirement?
When minority voters are being intimidated and disenfranchised by the thousands leading up to and during a close election race, the public relies on the press to bring the story to the forefront thereby prompting immediate action by our leaders. The fact that no actual incidents could be actually proven proves the cover-up must go high into the Republican Party circle, even all the way to the White House and maybe even higher.
With the presence of Fox News, The O ‘Reilly Factor, Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post, no one can dispute the existence of a strong conservative media. I can’t even think of one liberal newspaper or network. However, where these hate-news outlets feel free to proudly proclaim their “conservative bias” by sharing their unwanted opinions, prestigious TV network anchors like Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Bill Moyers, Peter Arnott and Peter Jennings carefully tow-the-line to present the evil wrongness of the Republicans in a balanced and fair manner. They are real journalists who objectively present the evil flaws and bigoted and Bible-thumping lies and radical right wing mistakes of the Bush Admin in order to allow the audience to make up their own minds.
Despite all the claims of pushing a biased liberal agenda by the press, the Republicans have managed to win five out of the last seven Presidential elections, and this year continue to strengthen their control of the congress. Their success undoubtedly is due in part to the fact that people have way too many choices in news today and we need to get back to the good old days when the big 3 networks with their good, honest old fashioned liberal anchors told us what the news was and what to think about it, and it certainly worked well then.
We Must Have Patience
…Barbra Streisweasel
Posted on November 3, 2004
In response to the results of the Presidential election last week, I know the frustration and disappointment 48% of the country feel because the Republicans stole the election again.
However, with Kerry and Edwards keeping their distance, don’t worry the Democratics are sending literally millions of lawyers around the country to pressure election officials to keep counting until we win. Any votes that have been rejected for any reason are probably Democratic votes by Democratics and should be therefore credited to Kerry. George Soros has pledged another 90 million for as many recounts as it takes to overturn the election and keep it overturned.
I have faith that in the end, the will of 48% of American voters will win out over the ignorant, bigotted, redneck, Jesus-jumping, pickup driving, NASCAR watching, intolerant bastards with stupid beliefs and ignorant social and cultural values that are actually evil and disgusting. These people stereotype people and lump them into groups instead of judging them by their good liberal sense. Do we really want that 52% of the country to rule over us, their intellectual superiors? The gall and pride of these people!