Digital imaging finds more nefarious hidden messages in Huckabee For President Ad. This alone should disqualify him from ever posing for a photo again.
OMG! Huckabee’s staff can’t even get its lies straight! They blatantly put a cross, that’s right a FUCKING CROSS, the symbol of Christianity, right there in the their ad, for everyone to see, even little kids, you can’t miss it, its right there in your face, blaring out like a turd in church, insulting everyone who see it, slapping our faces with Huckabee’s disgusting Christian beliefs, blatantly dragging religion into the election, slurring every atheist, Hindu, Muslim, Shintoist and any other religion whose symbol is NOT the cross.
I’m so outraged and foaming at the mouth that I had to look into this, and now the lying, dishonest, insane and criminal Huckabee campaign has come up with not one, but TWO lies, each contradicting the other about what it is. Oh sure, anything but a cross. One says a window, and the other, get this, says a BOOKCASE. Right. And the little girl picking daisies in the LBJ ad was really a monkey in a little girl costume.
I could go on and on being snarky and retarded about this retarded story.
Here’s Dan Riehl’s take -I like and respect Dan, and he’s given me great linkage in the past, let me say that right off. I just think he’s way misguided here. He really hates Huck, and maybe that’s the reason. Otherwise, what the fuck is this?
Huck Says Bookcase, Staffer Says Window
Update: I want to make my own position clear because I think some readers don’t understand it. If he had filmed that ad without the turning camera and had the Christmas tree on one side and a wall mounted cross, including with Jesus, on his other side? I wouldn’t object, personally. Though I realize he might take heat for that. But, if he’s going to do it, be a man, do it straight up. It’s the connivance and now his denials I take exception to – not the cross.
What a crock. They can’t even get their story straight. Screen caps here and here. Worst of all, we’re supposed to believe a professional videographer for a campaign films a key ad for Huckabee in Iowa and just happens to miss this large white floating object in the background? Or Huckabee, a former minister wouldn’t pick it up and want to re-shoot? And all while discussing the birth of Christ??? Yeah, right. Either Huckabee is too stupid to be POTUS, or more likely, he thinks you’re stupid. And either one disqualifies him for the presidency.
I don’t know, sometimes analysis like this verges into parody.
Millions of pixels are being expended on whether it was a cross or a bookcase, was it done intentionally, etc. etc. and now the exultation that Huck’s staff has been caught in a big cover-up and can’t get their story straight.
Really, in the quest for just having something to talk about, blogs veer into the realm of being anal obsessive nitwits.
This has nothing to do with anything. Anyone addressing what he actually said in the ad instead of the phantom cross?
This may be the most substance lacking “issue” I’ve ever come across. I realize its fashionable to attack Huck by any means available now that he’s got some traction, but please. This is unserious and idiotic.
“Its not that he’s got a cross up there, its that he’s lying about it.”
Please. Its not that he’s got a cross up there, or that everyone is trying to play gotcha on it, its that even talking about this in any way shape or form is useless and stupid.
If you want to attack Huckabee, there’s no lack of substantive issues to use. This entire cross thing, and now the ‘detective’ and investigative work going into sussing out the TRUTH ABOUT the cross is risible. Its like a friggin’ onion story. And it doesn’t do the blogoverse any good in establishing how its credibility.
And don’t give me “well, the story now is how his campaign is lying”
The entire thing never should have been brought up at all. Why does it matter? Except to find a very very specious reason to attack Huckabee, for whom I have no love, myself. I just find this entire story so stupid I can’t even muster up the will to post a blog post on how stupid it is and why it shouldn’t even be given the press it has. I’ll just confine myself to a very long and pointless comment on Dan’s blog.
This story is pure, unadulterated nonsense. Waste of time, waste of space and it makes bloggers look like obsessive nitwits for even giving it the time of day. The reason I write all this is that most bloggers can’t find the time to research Romney’s racist, sexist and intolerant cult, and find no outrage at all, nada, for that, but now say Huckabee has NO BUSINESS running for nor being elected POTUS if he can’t explain blurry, ambiguous imagery in the background of his vids. Pul-lease.
And let me once again add for all you rabid Huck-haters out there: The Huckster will merely lose the election, and lose badly. The Republicans will recover, and any of the 3 Dems who have any chance at all to win against him are damaged goods and most likely one-termers at best.
Romney, on the other hand, will not only lose in a landslide, he will destroy the party. Not just split it, he will cause a very large number of regular voters to permanently leave the party. He might be the catalyst that finally starts that elusive viable 3rd party, one which splits the conservative vote and keeps a conservative president out of office for a generation or more. Plus he will wreak havoc on the down-ticket races, handing the Dems a filibuster and veto-proof majority for years to come.
And if that happens, its not hyperbole to say, that nominating Romney could wreak the country, economically, politically, militarily, foreign politically, etc.
As bad as Huckabee is, he is not a disaster with long term consequences. Romney is. Remember that when you are dreaming up farcical criticisms about backwards masking in his ads and subliminal messages written on his tie.
I just wish these bloggers would be as diligent in their Sherlock Holmes sleuthing and investigate the racist, sexist, intolerant hate-preaching of Romney’s Mormons. Its worse than just wrong-headed: its disgustingly vile and disturbed. Its ugly prejudice masquerading as a religion. Its oppressive, stalkerish behavior by a cult that tries to control its members with force, intimidation and coercion.
I fear for my party every time I see his poll numbers. Even the millions and millions he’s pouring into this race out of his own pockets shouldn’t buy such a despicable scoundrel so many votes. I have to believe a great number of people are just ignorant of the facts. If Romney ever does gain any real traction, I hope the press will educate the ignorant to their mistake.