The Omaha World Herald calls DailyKos on his B.S. and he doesn’t like it.
from the story, quoting one of Kos’ posts:
Let’s not forget that ultimately, Osama (bin Laden)’s vision for the Arab world is far more akin to the right’s vision of America. On homosexuality, on militarism, on women’s rights, on religion in school, on capital punishment, on free speech, on curtailment of civil liberties and on a million different other issues, Islamic fundamentalists don’t share many disagreements with the ideologues running our country.
“The reason we hate Islamic fundamentalists is pretty much the same reason we’re fighting to take back this country from the Republicans.They are two peas from the same pod and (are) diametrically opposed to everything we liberals stand for.”
Well the OWH does a nice of job pointing out Kos is an extremist hysteric, but they don’t point out exactly why he’s also full of crap.
On actually defending woman’s rights with our military and our national power, on defending free speech, on preserving and actually creating civil liberties for the first time in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Republicans and their few Democrat allies on the war are willing to brave the unpleasant storm, both in human costs, financial costs and the withering criticism of our own press, unlike Code Pinkers like John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi who would have left the Iraqi women (and men) totheir fate.
Furthermore, on this side of the pond, its the left who is curtailing speech with their repressive college speech codes (aimed almost exclusively at the right, you can say whatever you want against Israel, pro-communism, anti-Republican), with labeling any black Republican or conservative a “house n*****”to support for nationalization of industry to smothering of business and freedom of trade with onerous regulations imposed by regulatory fiat.
Its the left who constantly seek to curtail freedom of expression of religion and religious intolerance of any but the approved, PC religion, secular humanism, just like home-grown Ayatollahs.
Its the left who slash tires of Republican get-out-the-vote vans and other dirty tricks to ensure un-democratic elections, who even hound their own out of races to thwart the will of even their own primary voters so they can dictate who may run.
Now who is more like the Taliban and Osama? I’d say the left in this country is obsessed with controlling the right to practice religion, taking the guns out of the hands of citizens, imposing “proper” speech and denying freedom of speech to those with whom they disagree, who seek to redistribute wealth and impose socialist institutions in this country, who are rabid supporters of black and low-income white genocide (abortion), who would rather support Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and Hugo Chavez than our own president.
The left seeks race-based set-asides for college admission, jobs, housing, etc, taking civil rights from qualified applicants simply on the base of their race (almost like Saddam putting the minority Sunnis above the Shiites).
No wonder Kos is upset. No one likes to be called on their bullshit.