When your subject is the Democrats, you really don’t have to try very hard to find true, pure and unadulterated stupidity. Unless its seasoned with the spice of vapidity, as it is in the case of the candidate for Senator from the state of Connecticut.
In our never-ending pursuit of bringing you, the American public, only the best in Democrat pandering, humor and idiocy we bring you:
In a time of war, is that really the time to be asking whether we should be at war?
We’ve been over there three and a half years. We’ve been over there in Iraq almost longer than a our troops were in world war 2.
Gee, and here I was thinking we still have troops in Germany, 60 years later. Oh wait, we do. At their invitation. Just like in Iraq. Also, we ended WWII quicker with stuff like the firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo and we dropped a couple atomic bombs to boot.
This war we’re trying to minimize civilian casualties instead. Does Lamont advocate we speed things up by mass murdering civilians as well as insurgents, and let God sort ’em out?
More comedy gold from Lamont (or is it just ignorance of history?)
Stephen: You are rich and best of all, you didn’t have to work for all of it. Why aren’t you a Republican?
Ned: I have been a Democrat all my life. When I turned 18 we had a guy named Richard Nixon who was our president and we had a war going on in Vietnam. And I just think the Democratic Party is a lot more progressive and a lot more entrepreneurial. I am a guy who started up a business from scratch and I think if you are an entrepreneur in business are you more likely to be a Democrat when it am comes to your politicals.
Yeah damn Nixon, starting wars all over the place. Oh wait, you know I looked it up and it seems the Democrats actually not only started the U.S. intervention, they escalated it and lied to the American public about the military involvement, the progress of the war and even the casualty counts. Some president named Johnson, yes a Democrat I believe, didn’t run for re-election because of his unpopularity over the war.
So tell us again why you became a Democrat, Lamont? Probably because, as Colbert missed, Lamont didn’t have to work for his money, and Dems are in the business of spending other people’s money, like Lamont is spending his Daddy’s to buy a Senatorship.
Something the MSM doesn’t cover is the fact Lamont’s contributions, while big in nutroots terms, is miniscule in real terms- he has been basically buying the election out of his own pocket. The guy is an empty suit, an intellectual lightweight and a policy zero. His only attributes are A. he’s rich and #2 he’s not Joe Lieberman, whose main sin is he supports the WOT and believes rehabilitating Iraq is vital to our security.
The Dems deserve Lamont if they are stupid enough to elect him. Is that really a trade up? No, it will be a hollow little “in your face” victory for the nutroots over the Dem establishment. And that will be a victory for the Republicans, in the end, because the face of the moonwingbatnuts is not the face the Dems want America to see. 8 more years of Republican rule in the presidency, House and Senate.