Sen. Rob. “Dave Seville” Byrd & the Congressmunks sing “The Confirmation Song”(25mg)
[Byrd] Well Senators, as I’m sure you’re all aware, its Confirmation Time once again, and just as sure as I hate miscegenation, I hate George Dubya Bush and all his evil works. So are you ready to stand with me, Congresswoman Pelosi, for pandering and demagoguing?
[Pelosi] I’m ready
[Byrd] Senator Boxer, for weepin’ and a-wailin’?
[Boxer] waaaaaaaaaahhh!
[Byrd] And Senator Kennedy, you ready? Teddy? Teddy! TEDDY!!
[Kennedy] Uh, yeah I’m ready
Nomination time is here
Time to sneer and time to jeer
Kerry lost but we’re not sad
Ohio made a nice fundraising ad
[Pelosi]I’ll call Condi George Bush’s houseslave
[Boxer]I’ll blame Gonzales for Abu Ghraib
[Democrats]Our constituents salivate
(When) Democrats demagogue and den-i-grate
[Byrd] Well that was might fine, mighty fine Senators. Uh, Senator Boxer, you were a little flat on that weepin’ and a-wailin’
[Boxer] Won’t somebody please think of the children?
[Byrd] Nancy Pelosi, you might wanna shoot a little more Botox in your forehead, I think I discerned an emotional wrinkle.
[Pelosi] Hehehehehehehe okay!
[Byrd] Senator Kennedy, put down that Chivas and leave that intern alone. Teddy! Teddy!! TEDDY!!
[Kennedy] BURP! Yassah!
We can’t win, don’t have the votes
But its Oscar time as Barb emotes
Nine more hours of debate
Make Moveon moonbats cyber-donate
[Boxer]Next week its the Attorney Gen.
[Pelosi]”Antonio trashed the Geneva Conven.!”
[Democrats]But with Teddy’s clout I’m sure we’ll muster
The votes to sustain a fil-i-buster
We can hardly stand the wait
For Hillary in oh-eight
[Byrd] Well that was purty good..
[Pelosi] Hey, I wanna do my song now…
[Boxer] Yeah I have a drum solo I play here, its really cool…
[Byrd] Now wait.. I don’t think the time is appropriate for…
[Kennedy] My Stratocastah plugs into the Mah-shall and I do this 2 hand tapping technique…
[Byrd] Now just a minute [divebomb]
[Pelosi & Boxer] Inna Gadda Da Vida honey, don’t you know that I love you?…
[Byrd] Point of order, Mr. Chairman, Ms. Pelosi, Sen Boxer… Teddy! Teddy!! TEDDY!!
[Boxer] Let’s see Christine Todd Whitman play double kick fills like that
[Pelosi] Kay Bailey Hutchenson, eat your heart out
[Kennedy] Sh*t- broke a string
[fade out]