Congrats John Cole of Balloon Juice, you’re a giant steaming bag of douche!
Moveon didn’t “question” Gen. Petraeus, they called him a traitor, accused him of lying and basically said he committed treason for partisan gain.
Because, as you know, when you hide behind the skirt of General Petraeus, it is high treason to then question General Petraeus. And, of course, questioning Petraeus is the same as insulting the military. To call these scum shameless is to do damage to the word shameless.
Cole’s portrayal of anyone listening to what the most knowledgeable person on the planet about the real facts on the ground in Iraq as ‘hiding behind (his) skirts’ just emphasizes what a despicable human being he is and how he hates Republicans and the President to such an extent he and his ilk root for American failure and gladly slander a hero to further leftwingnut political goals.
Congratulations John Cole on being the biggest douche in the universe, narrowly beating out John Edward (and John Edwards) this year. presents this award to Balloon Juice John Cole Fucking Douchebag!