Gotta love MyDD ( MyDD = My Dickhead Dumbass I guess ):
Armstrong says Obama has never aligned himself with the existing netroots movement “that began with Dean in ’02, swelled for Wesley Clark in ’03, led Dean to the DNC Chair and propelled the Hackett and Lamont candidacies, leading to the surge of activists voting for Democrats in ’06.”
Yeah, because Dean in ’02, Clark in ’03, Hackett (dumped by the party establishment before the first primary) and Lamont (dumped by most high profile Dems after the primary), after aligning with the lefty wingnuts, were all wildly successful and popular with, um, the lefty wingnuts I guess. And the only office they were able to deliver to any of these chumps was DNC chair, which is controlled by, you guessed it, extreme lib wingnuts!
So the moral here is kids, if you don’t blow the lefty wingosphere, they won’t like you, and you’ll never be DNC chair. However, if like Joe Lieberman, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, if they really hate you, you may very well be elected to national office. But you will bear the wrath of their wrathy posts! So beware Obama!
Hillary! gets it. That’s why she regularly offers them her pasty white ass to kiss if they don’t like her policies. And she’ll probably win the nomination, with zero support from lefty wingnuts. But she will get Important Action Alerts and Vicious Rants from MyDD! Pheer the Lefty Wingnuts!