You know, to get pointed out as a particularly insipid, asinine and just fuck-headed post amid a morass of badly written, poorly researched, lamely inspired by hatred for America, bereft of logic or rational thought and just plain insanity that is the leftwingnut o sphere, you really have to outdo the most retarded group of individuals ever to sit down at a keyboard.
And I include Trekkies and Star Wars fans, who are the worst and stupidest people to ever live.
But Mr. Matthew Yglesias proves he is a stupid fucking bastard to top all cretinous, mouth-breathing, brainless, spineless, knuckle-dragging imbeciles extant on the “progressive”, as in progressing into devolution, bloggerhood. I fully expect a Kos diarist to develop flippers and gills and wriggle back into the sea shortly.
But let’s go back to our original topic header, shall we?
I’d pick all 3. How else could he get all this stupidity packed into one little sentence:
The United States is now well into the fifth year of a war in Iraq that has, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, managed to get more Americans killed than 9/11 while alienating global opinion, undermining our strategic posture around the world, arguably speeding nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran and detracting from American efforts against Al Qaeda.
I couldn’t read any further, because I firmly believe if you read stupid shit, you become stupider, and my IQ dropped a few points just from that one sentence. However, refuting idiocy makes you smarter so I’ll recoup those points thusly:
“…managed to get more Americans killed than 9/11”
Yeah, and WWII got more Americans killed than Pearl Harbor. But at least that was the the same war. If he was equating Afghanistan with WTC, its still a specious argument but at least they are related. The war for Iraqi Freedom has also managed to get more Americans killed than the Achille Lauro incident, the collapse of the bridge in Minnesota and the number of workmen killed by Ving Rhames’ dog, for that matter, and just as relevantly.
How many soldiers die protecting Americans is not a ratio that determines the worth of the enterprise. People died trying to get to the moon. People die driving to work. Police die protecting citizens daily. More firefighters die putting out huge brush fires than civilians die as a result of those brush fires. How do morons like this get a gig writing for MSM outlets? Oh, I remember. Because they are doing the good work of bashing the war and undermining U.S. interests and rooting for our defeat and humiliation, and mostly for partisan gain. Making Yglesias more of a sorry motherfucker than any of the other 3 choices.
“while alienating global opinion”
Oh, jeez, alienating “global opinion”. Every U.S. president needs to take “global opinion” into account before defending U.S. interests, or actually before doing anything. Is there a global clearinghouse where you can pass prior restraint for these kinds of issues.
Also, I love how the radical, surrendermonkey left cherry picks which world opinion matters. France, apparently. Not Australia, not England, not Poland, not the Netherlands, or 40 other allies who supported us. Not to mention the fact that the U.N. voted supporting enforcement of sanctions on Saddam’s Iraq, including force. And the U.S. Congress also acted, flagrantly without regard to “global opinion”.
Fuck global opinion. Global opinion thinks Troy was a good movie. Global opinion is an ass.
“undermining our strategic posture around the world”
Our “strategic posture?” I don’t even know what that means. Like, we were standing tall in Saudi Arabian bases, now we are slump-shouldered and not sitting up straight in our chairs in Iraq and Afghanistan? In fact, our armies are based where the action is, and the fact that Syria didn’t join in the Hezbollah war with Israel is directly linked to the fact that 150,000 U.S. troops (now 160,000) were right across the border. If there is trouble Turkey and the Kurds, we won’t have to fly or float troops in. If we do, and I know you lefties are peeing your panties over this, have to go to war with Iran, the troops are there, ready to kick some ayatollah ass. Our global positioning of troops is enhanced, if that what the unintelligible Yglesias means. Strategic posture. Yeah, and our “tactical stride” needs corrective shoes, as well.
“arguably speeding nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran”
Well, that would be an argument you’d lose, since North Korea and Iran have been speeding as fast as they are financially and technologically able since before the Clinton admininstration. And why, pray tell, would they be more likely fuck with the U.S. after seeing our resolve in the fact of threats: George W. Bush can and will attack militarily if he thinks its necessary. A president who is afraid of public (or global) opinion or too distracted with domestic scandals including cigars in vaginas instills little fear from maniacs like Kim Il. So yeah, arguably, arguably like arguably Yglesias is not a fool, a partisan shill, a demogogue and a lame-ass columnist, but its a short argument.
“detracting from American efforts against Al Qaeda.”
Detracting by killing thousands of their agents, and dozens if not hundreds of their leaders. Al-Qaeda itself says Iraq is the front line. Why? Because, as the only Arab state without a tyrannical dictator to terrorize the citizenry. It is a fact that its hard to establish terror cells in a totalitarian government, as terrorists in Saudi Arabia found out. Much easier in a developing democracy. That doesn’t mean that its preferable for Iraqis to live under a murderous tyrant like Saddam, as leftist radicals like Yglesias would have it. The left seems to totally have abandoned the notion that all men deserve freedom and a choice of government and basic human rights. They instead embrace the realpolitik of the mid-late 20th century, where we preferred a strong man government to contain communism, even if he tortured and murdered millions of his citizens.
So, the verdict is in. Matt Yglesias is just a despicable human being, a self-hating American, a hater of brown people like Iraqis who, in his eyes, don’t deserve freedom and don’t merit our help. He spouts lies, repeats radical left and truther common wisdom in the hope that repetition makes it so. It fits right in with likes like “Plame was outed by Bush” “Bush lied about WMDs” “Bush bungled the aid after Katrina, and not only that he did it because he hates black people”, the list goes on and on. But there is a tipping point coming, and it might already be here.
The loony left is getting more successful in getting like-minded loons elected. They, and their puppets, are getting more air-time. And this month support for the war went up 7%. Americans are finally getting the leftwingnut message, and they don’t like it. The revulsion will probably hit critical mass in ’08, around election time. Hilary has that tiger by the tail, courting the left wingnuts while trying not to be tarred by their lunacy. Once you piss them off, they are loud and crazy (see Sheehan vs. Pelosi). The other alternative is to embrace them.
Once the American public realizes the extent of the lunacy and radical hatred inherent in the Kos crowd, the Democrat party is going to take a massive hit. I believe it may be a fatal one that will destroy the party. The rise of the hard left is going to result in a major confrontation when the excesses of the maniac radicals start really hurting the party, and the grown-up wing, right now led by Hilary! are going to have Sister Souljah them, and the nutroots doesn’t like being disowned or represented for what they are, unpatriotic, American hating socialists who hate capitalism and free enterprise or the notion that people should live their lives without a village of bureaucrats living it for them.