How’s that for a fast reaction and “winning the news cycle?”
A mere 3 years after the election, John Kerry’s team has put together a bale of evidence, that were it not for his total non-involvement in the ’08 Presidential election, would set forth a string of events, that if not unrelated, would surely land him in the Oval Office.
If only it had been a Time Machine instead of a Right Wing Smear Machine they used on him! Try rubbing the magic hat, John. Or borrow Mugabe’s Magic Staff (wink wink).
I am not making this up – a mere three years too late, Kerry has pieced together his autobiography:
John Kerry: I’m Now Prepared to Fight Off Swift Boat Veterans
Massachusetts Sen.
John Kerry, perhaps preparing to get back into the presidential ring
one day, claims he’s now armed with materials that will make war record
critics from his 2004 presidential campaign go running tail between
legs.The 63-year-old Democratic
senator told The Patriot-Ledger on Tuesday that the Swift Boat Veterans
for Truth, a group of Navy servicemen who served with Kerry and
criticized his record in Vietnam, will be revealed as liars.“We
have put together a documented portfolio that frankly puts their lies
in such a total light of absurdity and indecency, that should they ever
rear their ugly heads again, we have every single ‘t’ crossed and ‘i’
dotted, and I welcome that in a sense,” Kerry said after addressing
Boston’s South Shore Chamber of Commerce. “It’s a shame we weren’t able to produce all that at the time.”Cool – Kerry has finally wrestled his personal history to the canvas. Did Douglas Brinkley, Tour of Duty author, finally allow Kerry access to Kerry’s “War Notes”? The WaPo couldn’t get ahold of them back when a decisive rebuttal of the Swifties might have won Kerry the election, but maybe time heals all wounds.
Whatever – we spun this oldie back in May 2006, the last time Kerry claimed he was ready to bring it on against the Swifties. I know everyone who followed the Swifties has a personal favorite, but mine is this – what in the record suggests that the two members of the Band of Brothers who now claim to have been with Kerry when he won his first Purple Heart were actually there?
via Dan Riehl