I’ve read posts on Romney’s speech on 8 different blogs tonight, and everyone is mostly just pissed off that Hugh Hewitt is bossing them around and telling them how to think.
No one is really addressing the main point that Hugh is full of shit because Mormonism, like cults and unlike actual religions, is completely intolerant of any other religion. It teaches hate, slander, blood libel and damnation for any other creed than Mormonism. It teaches racist, sexist and repressive dogma. And Mormoms are exhorted to follow The Book of Mormon, which contains this stuff, literally.
Romney has never disavowed or refuted this stuff. Great article here about The Question Romney Never Gets Asked that pretty much explains it all. If you need more, see my posts:
Ask Romney Why Mormonism Preaches Hate Against Christians
The titles pretty much tell the story.
I have to wonder if anyone who would support an intolerant, racist asshole like Romney is not either ignorant, cynically ignoring facts for political reasons or racist themselves?
PS, its not intolerant not to tolerate hate speech, bigotry and blood libels against entire peoples by a cult like Mormonism.
Here are some of the guys who don’t get it.
BizzyBlog: The Paragraph from ‘The Speech’ That Should Sink Mitt Romney has some specious argument that Romney technically broke his oath of office for governor. That dog won’t hunt, Bizzy. There are bigger issues here.
Junkyard Blog: Give it a rest already, Hugh another blogger blogging about how Hugh shouldn’t tell people what to think. No junkyard thoughts of his own, though, so maybe some of these guys should just let Hugh do the blogging on this subject.
Cold Fury: Same old same old just seems to have a problem with the fact Romney is “slick” and a robot. Nothing about a robot programmed to prostelitize the superior holiness of white people.
Chenzhen: Somebody Grab a Mop again, just resents Hugh bossing the bloggers around. Nothing about the white supremacist elephant in the room.
Hot Air: Hugh Hewitt: Mitt had an objectively great day, and if you disagree, well, you don’t much matter anyway Allah’s only beef is that Hugh is getting too imperious, he earlier posted he “hoped Mitt would hit it out of the park” in his “tolerate my intolerance” speech.
AOSHQ Hugh Hewitt v. Allah Pundit Ace just notes that Allah and Hugh are having a girlfight.
Conservative Kicks Hugh Hewitt: Romney’s Great Day just asks “why” the case is closed just because Hugh says so.
FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog: Mitt Romney Watch: Did “The Speech” Solve Romney’s Mormon Problem?
The Sundries Shack:
What Do I Know? My Judgement Can’t Be Trusted.
Bill Bradley, PJMThe Romney Speech
John Podheretz: Mitt Romney’s Boilerplate Mistake gives a long dissertation about why the speech won’t save Romney and basically, according to him, there aren’t enough Mormons, and people will only vote for one of their own team. Since Mormons are such a minority, he can’t win. He doesn’t mention the REAL reason most Christians who know Mormonism won’t vote for him is because his faith calls those Christians tools of Satan. That might have a bit more to do with it. But Podheretz, just like everyone else, ignores it.
David Frum: That Dog Won’t Hunt starts to get into it, but stops with some of the more zany Mormon beliefs. We could go on all day with how idiotic, scientifically impossible and just plain loony a lot of Mormonism is, but if people want to believe stupid shit that might call into question their judgment, but my beef is with his morality and basic human decency. And I don’t see ANYONE who follows Mormon theology as they profess to do as a righteous, good person. I certainly don’t want him as my president.
Matt Moran Mitt Romney could not have said it better would be hilarious if it weren’t so blind to Romney’s hypocrisy:
The things that Mitt said about freedom spoke volumes, and can be applied to every aspect of our lives – not simply religion. Freedom, liberty, and tolerance are things that all Americans need to think about, and think about long and hard.
Exactly Matt. And think long and hard about the fact that Mormons designate all Christian religions as “great whores” and “abominations”, created and led by Lucifer, and all those Christians will burn in hell for their apostasy. Meanwhile, Native Americans are lazy, barbaric and redskinned because they refused to become Mormons. Jews regularly perform abominations, drink blood, murdered Jesus and other prophets to keep the Mormon Word of God from getting out, and are also damned unless they accept their Mormon baptism, which they kindly perform on any Jew whose genealogy chart they can get their hands on (or any person at all, perhaps your own relatives), including Holocaust victims, even over the protestations of those victims’ families. They continually take the Mormons to court to get them to cut it the fuck out. Nice tolerance there, buddy.
Unfortunately, only the lefties seem to get what a disaster Romney would be for the Republicans, although he doesn’t mention the hateful bigotry and asinine white supremacy of Romney’s religion of choice:
I hope Hewitt is right about Romney
MyPetJawa, where Shackleford is basically shilling for Romney and calling HUCKABEE a bigot! ROFFLES! Huckabee’s Mormon Challenge
There is ecumenical outreach by the enlightened religions of the world. They no longer condemn each other nor slander each other with blood libels or slanders, such as saying the Catholic church is founded by and run by Satan, and all Catholics are Satanists, or that Jews are Christkillers, evil people who defiled the religion, that all Christian churches are “great whores” who are leading their people to hell, that non-whites are cursed by God, that women are inferior to and must obey the will of their menfolk, that Indians are savage, feral devils who drink blood and eat human flesh due to their sinful, slovenly race.
Mormons teach all this and more, and the difference between that and the distasteful stuff you find in the Bible is that enlightened religions have realized and now teach that you DON’T take the Bible literally. Mormons DO take the Book of Mormon literally, and are to live it every day. And it includes all this racist, sexist, intolerant and hateful “scripture”.
Educate yourself about Mormonism. While most religions are forces for good in the world and patterns to model yourself according to righteousness and fellowship towards your fellow man, Mormonism preaches bigotry, exclusionism, racial superiority, oppressive and repressive paternalism, blood libels and slanders, hate speech and incitement to cheat, lie to, scam and otherwise mistreat and cheat unbelievers, even teaching that it is righteous to pray to God for their deaths, they deserve it for their unbelief.
That’s the difference, in case you didn’t know before.
Its not intolerant not to tolerate neo-Nazis, White Supremacists nor people who preach hate and evil. Mormonism is a pernicious cult, and Romney should be rejected for THAT reason. Screw him and his hypocritical talk about “toleration”. He needs to practice a bit of it himself.
All these guys are missing the elephant in the room, that is, that Romney defending himself on the grounds that everyone should respect everyone else’s religion is hypocritical and hilarious. Mormons spend half their “Book” talking about the “great whore abomination” that is the Catholic Church and how all Christian religions are the work of, and led by, Satan himself, and all those Satanists are damned to hell.
They also have a great deal to say about the Jews and how evil they are. I’m surprised that the Muslims haven’t embraced the Latter Day Saints much in the way they embraced Hitler, sharing a common hatred and disdain for the Jews, and sharing so much doctrine about Jewish “Christ-killers”, “defilers”, “deviants” and other blood libels from before the Enlightenment.