write it down in blood, Rudy beats hillary! first Tues 11.08. click to see the fancy knife work cutting I did on Chelsea’s tramp stamp, so much classier than a tattoo.
[UPDATE: well I shit the bed on this one!]
UPDATE: Glad to see I’m in good company in my belief that Hillary will come back and take the nomination. Pat Ruffini believes so also, and for a lot of the same reasons as I.
<–end update
Best news of the campaign: Romney snuff in Iowa. He’s done. The “narrative” rules and he staked a lot on Iowa and lost. He’s not a “long haul” candidate, he needed a fluke to move up. He didn’t get it. Guiliani is the Dubya of this cycle. He has the money, the establishment, the name recognition, etc. Republicans rarely nominate a surprise candidate. In fact, I can’t remember when they ever have. Al Smith?
Hugh Hewitt (rhymes with nitwit) somehow developed a full-blown mancrush on Romney early and has pimped the guy on Townhall so hard that I think he actually turns people OFF on Romney. Which is not a bad thing. As I’ve said, a Romney nomination would destroy the party. Millions would leave.
Huckabee would merely lose the election. Romney wouid wreck the party.
I still believe my early prediction will hold: it will most likely be Clinton vs. Guiliani, with McCain as an outside choice. Either McCain or Rudy will beat her. If the R’s nominate anyone else, Rodham-Clinton will win the presidency. Obama will _never_ be the president of the United States. He will not be nominated. I love how all the weather vane pundits immediately start measuring the drapes in the Oval Office for Obama or Huckaboom based on the Iowa Caucuses.
In a month, this week will mean nothing. All this talk about hillary being sunk is very premature.
Except that Romney will be toast. Good riddance.
docweasel predicts, you decide
Obama is too inexperienced. Sure the kids and the enthusiastic early primary voters love him. But that’s not who votes in the general. Between now and the election the Dems are going to face up to the fact you don’t hand the “button” over to a fresh faced kid who’s never held national office before the last election cycle.
Hillary and Guiliani have the deep pockets and broad appeal that will last the long haul. Hillary isn’t dropping out anytime soon. I’m amazed, that in today’s 24 hour news cycle, people are crowning Obama. We’re a LOOOOOONG ways from the conventions people. There’s many a slip betwixt and all that. I see Hillary, Rudy and McCain as the only people with staying power. I think McCain is too old and missed his prime slot. I see Guiliani as appealing to a plurality of voters, and only Guiliani. So he’s not 100% on social issues: judges are really the only thing that matters, that a vetoing congress’ excesses.
The Dems are going to hold congress for a few cycles, that’s just a fact of life. But the SCOTUS is where the power is and that’s what’s important. That’s why we cannot afford a president hillary! Look at the damage Bill’s judges are doing (not that the Republicans did a great job- half the leftist bench is Republican appointed).
Cadillac Tight has more about Hugh Hewitt going on and on in a petulant tantrum because he’s had his nose up the ass of a loser for the past 6 months. Hugh claims the fucking stock market had a downturn today because Romney got his ass kicked. If Hewitt had an credibility he would have lost it with that post. Fortunately for him, he has none.
I think the downturn is more realistically explained by the Brown’s failure to make the play-offs, again. And they only needed to win one friggin’ game and they couldn’t do it. Cleveland fans are the world’s saddest 🙁
Oh yeah, and Hugh Hewitt (rhymes with nitwit) somehow developed a full-blown mancrush on Romney early and has pimped the guy on Townhall so hard that I think he actually turns people OFF on Romney. Which is not a bad thing. As I’ve said, a Romney nomination would destroy the party. Millions would leave.
Huckabee would merely lose the election. Romney wouid wreck the party.
I still believe my early prediction will hold: it will most likely be Clinton vs. Guiliani, with McCain as an outside choice. Either McCain or Rudy will beat her. If the R’s nominate anyone else, Rodham-Clinton will win the presidency. Obama will _never_ be the president of the United States. He will not be nominated. I love how all the weathervane pundits immediately start measuring the drapes in the Oval Office for Obama or Huckaboom based on the Iowa Caucuses.
In a month, this week will mean nothing.
Except that Romney will be toast. Good riddance.