Its time to get on board with someone, or get out of the way. I originally leaned Guiliani, waiting to hear more. Well, Rudy is gone. I’ve checked out McCain, and the main reasons for anger against him leave me unmoved.
I like the guy, and his positions on immigration don’t bother me a whit. McCain Feingold does not bother me. Its bullshit, it doesn’t work, and its pretty irrelevant. So what else you got? The press likes him too much and he criticized Republicans in the past. Boohoo. That makes him worse than Hillary?
For all you FredHeads, here’s a button for your site as you face reality and let go of FredHopes:
Real conservatives would not hand her the keys to the SCOTUS. At least 2 and probably more justices will leave in the next 4 years. That’s important.
Racists for Romney are hopping mad about it, but McCain has won Florida, decisively if not hugely, and reports seem to indicate Rudy will endorse him and attempt to throw whatever support he has to McCain. I’d guess anyone who supports Rudy, as I did, is at least marginally ok with McCain, as I am. I’m warming to the guy. He knows why Republicans are mad at him, and he’s atoned.
I’m pretty secure in the knowledge that Hillary! will most likely be the Dem nominee, and Republicans, knowing that, will also realize the only person left (now that Rudy is gone) that can beat her is McCain. I don’t even have to “hold my nose” to vote for him. I liked Bush, except for his spending policies, and McCain, despite what conservative commentators would have you believe, is to the right of Bush on most issues.
I don’t believe Republicans will go down the suicide path of nominating Romney. If, however, they do, they will destroy the party instead of grow it. It would be a terrible mistake and would undo decades of outreach to minorities to nominate someone who has never disavowed the racist, sexist, intolerant cult, guided by the execrable Book of Mormon, of which he claims to “literally believe” and live by.
And as many of you disgruntled “real conservatives” will sit home, fuck you. Who needs you?
2 independents will vote in your place for McCain that would not have voted for Mittens. And probably a Democrat as well, and I don’t see any Dems crossing the aisle to vote for Romney. I also don’t see any Republicans voting for Hillary rather than McCain, but some Republican women might for Hillary over Romney.
I am disturbed at the “Michele Malkin” wing of the blogosphere that is loudly xenophobic, and who coincidentally are mostly behind Romney. I’m beginning to get the code that “immigrant” really means “dirty fucking Mexican” and I’m not alright with that. Nominating Romney would prove every fear blacks (or those with the dark skinned “mark of Cain”, as Romney might say) have had about Republicans for 40 years.
Anyone who would sit home because of minor policy differences and allow Hillary to pick the next SCOTUS because they are throwing a tantrum a “real conservative” didn’t get nominated isn’t really a conservative, anyway. Too many people focused on one issue this election, and they way they are focusing on it looks, frankly, racist, and their choice of candidate just adds to that.
If you support Romney, you are eventually going to have to face the fact the guy belongs to a cult that preaches, as a literal truth, some pretty ugly, racist and intolerant stuff. He can’t run from that forever. If Obama can be questioned about his “Afro-centric” church then Mittens surely can be asked why it took his cult until 1978 to ordain blacks, and why does he have such a hard time admitting that it was wrong. Why does he not distance himself from the STILL racist “theology” invented by 19th century huckster Joseph Smith?
If you are for Romney, there is still a chance you are ignorant about the fact that he has big problem with “dark skinned people”, Catholics, hell, other Protestants, and its not because they are bigoted against Mormonism. Their “Book” doesn’t say Mormonism is led by and was created by Satan. They aren’t the ones saying the holier you get, the whiter you get, even poor dirty black bastards will be white as snow if God shines his favor on them. The Book Romney professes to believe literally does that, and throws in some good old fashioned “women as chattel” cant to go with it.
Republicans are, truly, a fair-minded and liberal, in the classic sense of the word, people. I am proud I belong to the party that not only freed the slaves, but that drove Civil Rights Legislation, both in the 1860’s and the 1960’s. Its a scandal it took 100 years, but without Republicans, Dixiecrats owed favors by other Dems would have crushed it for another generation. We need to re-embrace our historic role as partners with minorities.
Nominating a racist cultist is no way to do it.