Amwyn has some thoughts on advice given by JunkYardBlog on what McCain should do now to appease the people who rejected him and are still whining about the fact they didn’t get a chance to go down in glorious flames with a guy who consistently ran 40 points behind any viable Democrat nominee.
2) McCain needs the conservative base in order to get elected. 3) Therefore McCain should recant a few of his nastier positions and jettison a few of his rabid amesty supporters in order to get our support, win the election, and win the war.
SeeDub is saying that to continue to be an honorable war hero, McCain must consider that winning the election by meeting conservatives partway is just as much his duty as winning the war after election. But if we count on McCain to see it that way, then we ourselves are saying we’d rather lose the war than vote McCain. Not honorable in the least. I know that it’s not time to have to make such a declaration yet, that it won’t be time until November,
Slublog is probably a Mitt supporter who is used to his candidate changing his basic moral beliefs in order to pander to a select group of voters. Mitt had a chameleon-like ability to be all things to all people.
McCain is going to get nominated with his present, very fair policy stand on immigrants (with which I happen to agree).
Conservatives didn’t back him, now they expect him to change his policy to one more to their liking? Where is the logic in that? I guess its just they want McCain to be more like Mitt, as in having no real core values or stands, so its easy to shrug off any past policies like a snake sheds its skin.
Unfortunately for them, McCain actually has character and honor.
You know what, fuck “conservatives”, or more accurately, nativists, the Rush/Hannity/Malkin wing of the party (read, people who don’t want dirty fucking Mexicans to emigrate to the US).
McCain appeals to conservative Democrats and independent, as well as a majority of Republicans (read a poll today that claimed 69% of those calling themselves CONSERVATIVE Republicans found McCain acceptable) precisely because he DOESN’T appeal to nativists. That’s why he is running 44%-47% vs. Obama and 48%-44% over Clinton, even after 8 years of Republican President fatigue. Last poll I saw had Romney down 37% behind Clinton and 40+% behind Obama.
The only ones who still seem dissatisfied are the anti-immigrationalists, and that’s especially rich seeing as their hero Mitt only had to defend the Massachusetts/Mexican border and has zero track record on immigration, but hey, he said the right things.
So now your advice is for McCain to adopt Mitten’s policies? Yeah, because they worked so well for him.
The most hilarious thing about this entire nomination process has the the gullible acceptance by conservatives of Mitt Romney’s supposed “conversion to conservatism” after running as a leftist Republican as the Governor of Mass (pro-abortion, supported socialized medicine, tax and spender, anti-gun, pro-big government, pro-gay rights), then running for Kennedy’s senate seat as basically a younger, slightly more moderate version of Teddy, about 40 shades of blue more liberal than McCain at his most maverick-y.
Then only 2 years ago he renounces all that and moves right because it the moderate area of the field seemed to crowded with Guiliani and McCain. Had there been all conservative candidates, I’m sure Mitt would have run as the most moderate and most electable. That guy can turn on a dime, I’ll give him that.
Really, all politicians are irritating, but Romney sits right up there with the master, the inimitable Bill Clinton, for being the epitome a handsome, well-tailored, polished, slick, insincere but earnest and well-spoken package of rehearsed spontaneity, their perfect public demeanor and presentation in personal appearances marred only by the fact that if you look closely, you can see that they are both covered with a thin coat of slime.