McCain so out-classes Obama on so many levels, I cannot think of a scenario where Obama can even come close to beating him, barring a health crisis or a major McCain gaffe, and I mean major, because gaffes aren’t what they used to be.
I don’t believe Kerry’s “I voted before it before I voted against it” really was all that influential, the press just likes to think trivia like that is a big deal. Anyone whose vote is changed by something like that is a moron, and most morons can’t find their polling place anyway.
I’ve changed my opinion that Hillary would be easier to beat then Obama: Obamania, by definition, will not wear well 9 months from now. You can’t keep up this kind of crazy enthusiasm for that long, through literally hundreds and hundreds of news cycles.
The people most likely affected by it aren’t likely to vote 9 months out, either, the political newcomers and the very young.
Further, eventually the press, whether it likes it or not, is going to have to start examining his actual policies, and they will find no there, there. Other than typical liberal boilerplate. His foreign policy is not only impractical, its dangerously naive. Dan Riehl notes that this is already starting.
One can only hope that the majority of Barack Obama’s supporters are not as inane as actress Susan Sarandon, who announced last week that she supports Obama for president and “can’t wait to see what he stands for.”
Finally, even as much as the press loves him, there reaches a point in a fad, where when everyone loves it, it quickly becomes passe, and to be cutting edge and a rebel, you have to be contrary and NOT love what the masses are loving. I mean, when your parents love Chinpokoman, its not too cool for college kids to still be into Chinpokoman (you SP fans know what I mean). And when the entire student body are gushing for Obama, you quickly run out of things to say about how he inspires you, and it becomes apparent he and his fans repel you.
By mid-summer, the anti-Obama pieces will come thick and fast, and his star will fall the same way. With no more primaries to organize for and celebrate, we get down to the dull, basic grind of the campaign. McCain should mop the floor with Obama in debates. Obama will not be able to say jack about ANYTHING military in disagreement with McCain without looking like an idiot. Obama has zero legislative record (other than voting present or skipping votes entirely). The war is going well, and should improve even more, by even Al-Qaeda’s admission.
I have flipped to rooting for Obama. Hillary is a dangerous foe. The timing was just right for her overthrow and Dems who support her rabidly over ANY Republican actually hate her guts and will take anyone liberal over her in the primaries. Obama will unite the Republican base just as much as Hillary when it comes down to brass tacks.
Also, Obama is a whiny ass titty baby. That victimhood shit, especially from a supposed strong black man, hurts him. Every time he’s whined because of Hillary picking on him, he’s looked like a fucking pussy. And American doesn’t want a pussy for a president. McCain doesn’t whine: he get mad. Obama never gets mad. He’s a metrosexual, caring, feeling kind of guy, in other words a fucking pussy ass motherfucker. We can’t afford to have a pussy in the White House against Iran, Korea, Putin, Chavez, bin Laden, etc.
Interesting side-note: the conservative narrative of “sitting it out rather than vote for McCain” has pretty much dissipated. Was it an empty threat or just the impotent rumblings of a movement whose time has past and whose adherents are facing up to the political realities of 2008 and beyond?
The country’s mood has long since changed, and we are just now recognizing it. Reaganism is dead, the Reagan coalition is splintered and you can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I don’t expect to see another “conservative” nominee, let along president, in the mold of (snicker) Mitt Romney in my lifetime, 40-50 years optimistically.