Rush Limbaugh is so full of shit you are barely worth paying attention to. Today he called McCain the lesser of 3 leftists. McCain’s ADA rating is about 20%. Clinton’s is 96% and Obama’s is 99%. Obama is rated the most liberal Senator in Congress.
Both Dems have stated they will immediately begin removing troops from Iraq if they are elected. McCain states forcefully he sees a long-time US presence in Iraq ala Germany, Japan, Korea etc. McCain has stated he will name judges in the mold of Alito and Roberts. Obama and Clinton will name Ginsbergs and Stevens’ – there is speculation one of them could name JOHN FUCKING EDWARDS in some kind of tradeoff, after he plays around at Attorney Gen. for a couple years.
Both Dems support restricting the right to bear arms, McCain has a 100% rating from the NRA. Both Dems vow to veto any legislation that in any way curtails absolutely unrestricted abortion “rights”- McCain is on record as being for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and has voted on every abortion restriction that’s come before the Senate.
Both Dems support gay marriage (Clinton fudges on the issue, depending on who she’s talking to), McCain supports the Defense of Marriage act, a constitutional amendment making marriage between a man and a woman only, and vows to veto any pro-gay marriage bill that comes before him. Obama talks about kowtowing to Chavez, Castro, Iran’s leaders, Kim Il Jong, etc. McCain will be a tough negotiator and will not coddle any of these tyrants, as shown by MANY votes in the Senate supporting action against America’s enemies.
Clinton MIGHT be tough or knuckle under, depending on focus group and poll results. Obama would be Jimmy Carter II, without the personal integrity and good intentions. Obama would just do it to kiss the ass of the far left.
Calling McCain a leftist is nonsense, and anyone making ignorant statements like that is a political moron. “Conservatives” disagree with him on 2-3 litmus test issues and so they make risible statements like “McCain is the lesser of 3 leftists”.
God, I’m going to get a kick out of McCain winning without any of you fake conservative’s support, and then he won’t owe you a thing, and will be able to safely disregard the opinions of the Limbaugh/Hannity/Malkin/Coulter lockstep far right sheep who bleat according to what Rush tells you.
Anyone brain dead enough to listen to that fat bloviator pontificate 4 hours a day 5 days a week has no grasp of political reality and is probably too damn dumb to weigh facts and make rational assessments themselves. Its easier just to ditto what Rush tells you, day in and day out.
I’ve come to the conclusion only morons listen to any of the talk radio heads. Its an echo chamber of the worst sort, and gives dittoheads a warped view of what is really going on in politics. They get up on their self-righteous high horse because some Vicodin junkie tells them McCain isn’t a “pure” Reagan Republican and that gives them the right to take any number of bigotted, racist and intolerant stands. I applaud McCain for refusing to pander to Big Pharma and his ilk. I am part of the a growing group of Republicans who think we should jettison the entire lot, just like W.F. Buckley did when he denounced the John Birchers and the party discarded those paranoiacs, maniacs and far right radical racists and nut-cases.
Rush Limbaugh has out-lived his usefulness and is now a destructive force and a source of disinformation and idiot opinion, and morons who get all their info from him are dangerous and bad for the party. McCain should have a “Sister Souljah” moment and announce the party doesn’t need their support, doesn’t respect their reactionary and sometimes fascist opinions, and disown the entire lot, including Hannity, Ingraham, Malkin, Coulter and especially Limbaugh, and anyone who mindlessly parrots their talking points, such as calling McCain a ‘leftist’.