I’m getting a good laugh at all the liberal bloggers who are whistling past the graveyard, consoling themselves that Obama has again hit it out of the ballpark, that Wright has allowed him to distance himself gracefully, that the connexion is broken and there is now only clear sailing to 11-4 and President Obama, its all clear skies from here on out and there’s a bluebird on his shoulder, should he care to look and a great big rainbow shining above his halo.
I won’t bother linking them, go to Kos, TalkLeft, MyDD, John Cole, any of them. The ones that deign to even mention this entire affair won’t admit this puts a tiny tarnish on the Messiah’s crown in the question of judgment?
“Oh, I never knew the guy, I guess!”
He’s only been hawking the guy as his political adviser and spiritual mentor for 2 years now on the trail, and more in his book!
“Like a father.”
Great counselor whom Obama bounces political ideas off all the time. And he never knew! I mean, the guy was a different person in all those sermons! He never said ANYTHING like that before!
I think we have a question of dishonesty as well as bad judgment. And add bad political judgment. While the leftwingnuts are whining that we should stick to issues, that Wright isn’t running for anything and who cares and it can’t matter and nothing to see here folks, let’s move along, surely they know that POTUS is a political position, and without Congress’ consent, the President can’t spend one thin dime on his grandiose schemes. So if Obama is that much of a political naif not to figure out Wright is not exactly, shall we say, ready for prime time, how’s he gonna figure out how to jolly up the poobahs on the Committees? How’s he gonna get public support for his programs, for leverage?
Sorry guys, the blooms long off this rose. Actually, the public is predisposed to elect Republicans president to begin with. Then, as many have noted, Obama happens to be identified as black, however unfairly, seeing as he’s also white.
Nextly, he’s very, very liberal. No white politician as liberal as Obama has ever, ever been elected, and I don’t think ever will.
Lastly, turns out old Barry isn’t as great at politics as everyone thought he was. He got a Howard Dean ride by the press and starry-eyed public that lasted just long enough to lock him in as the nominee, as once again the press does a grave disservice to the Dems by soft-balling their guy so that when the hardball starts, he ducks out of the batters box.
And good thing, because it appears he has a glass jaw and can’t take a hit. Well, Wright just pitched one low and inside and appears old Barry isn’t wearing a cup, because he caught one right in the ‘nads. John Cole posted tonight saying Obama kicked Wright in the nuts?
huh uh.
Wright is a popular guy, in fact, he is a good politician. He knows his crowd. He GAINED by all this. Its the O-man who lost. Bigtime. Wright is more popular and well-known than he ever was, and in fact may now be counted on as one of the “black leaders”, a go-to guy for the next Jena6 or for the next family whose kid gets shot 50 times by the NYC cops. He gains stature by this because to be attacked by the white folks gives you cred with the people to whom he’s playing.
It was always going to be hard for a Democrat, a black man, a liberal and an inexperienced, naive politician to win. Everything, and I mean everything, had to fall his way. Its not. Its not by a long chalk. We are STILl a 49-49 nation but Obama may lose by 5% and electoral and down-ticket Armageddon will ensue.
The common wisdom says that Kerry lost because of “I voted before I voted after” and Gore lost because of sighing at the debate and claiming to invent the internet and Dukakis would have won if he had only not ridden around in that tank.
So, on that scale, Gore’s gaffe was like 6, Dukakis 8, Kerry’s probably a 9.6, and you’d have to put Obama calling religious people and gun rights advocates, the very people whose vote he needs, bitter racists at 4 trillion. And add another couple 100 billion for the Rev. You don’t make mistakes like this and win elections, not when the chips are already stacked against you, I don’t care how much money you rake in.
So when all this goes down, I’m sure the Democrats will soberly weigh their mistakes and work on realistic solutions, after having calmly and rationally attributed their loss to realistic failures:
WE WUZ ROBBED AGIN!!! DIEBOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111