…(but assures us working with scumbags won’t affect his work)
Along with Ann Coulter, the most toxic, destructive and race-baiting demagogue who claims to be “conservative”, and gives un-ending material to the leftwingnuts who wish to paint the right as racist, white supremecist thugs, Michele Malkin stands as the epitome of what I detest about the far right. Malkin and her ilk have made everyone here at docweaselblog question our further commitment to the Republican Party.
That’s why we were so relieved and gratified when the real base overwhelmingly rejected their standard bearer, Mitt Romney (who conveniently is a high elder in a cult based on the fact that brown people are not only inferior, but in fact cursed by God and condemned by their very DNA to be damned to hell.
UPDATE DEUX: Thanks to Mister Snitch for the link and post about this very, very serious and grievous situation.
UPDATE: The comments in the thread announcing the Captain’s joining Hot Air are over-whelmingly against the move and most are very critical of Malkin and all her Hot Air thugs, and concerned that the Captain will now be considered to be in agreement with their race-baiting, bigoted shrill and dishonest demagoguery. He mentions a “warm welcome” from Malkin, whom I am sure is overjoyed at the coup of nabbing the Captain’s credibility to offset the negative cred she garners from both the left and the right.
Malkin’s posting of every news article where an illegal immigrant commits a crime is as bad an example of retarded logic, demagoguery, bigotry and incitement to hatred as it is when Atrios smugly posts every example of an American serviceman’s death or act of violence in Iraq as concrete proof that the war is lost and can never be won. Both are despicable bastards who should never be taken seriously and treated with the contempt they deserve. There are idiots on the left and right, as everyone knows.
That’s why its with sadness I note this distressing development.
Captain’s Quarters, February 25, 2008
Today brings exciting news and an end to a time in my life that has proven far more successful than I ever dreamed. Beginning on March 1, I will begin working for Michelle Malkin, a friend, mentor, and writer I have long admired. She has offered me a position as writer at Hot Air, and my blogging will appear exclusively there.
That means that I will close out Captain’s Quarters sometime in March. This saddens me, as it has become my ever-ready home and because of the terrific community it has generated. I hope that the CapQ community comes with me to Hot Air, and Hot Air will have open registration today for 12 hours in order to allow CapQ commenters to join me at my new digs.
Michelle and I have different voices, and sometimes different points of view. Rest assured that Michelle respects these differences and wants them as part of Hot Air. My writing and my viewpoints will continue, and find even more encouragement than before. In fact, we look forward to debating on some of these points between her personal blog and Hot Air, much as we have between her personal blog and CapQ – with respect, affection, and the absolute belief that we have it right!
Hmm. I’ve always respected and for the most part agreed with your posts, Captain. But mostly, respected your credibility and honesty and good faith in opinions, even those with which I disagreed. However, I feel that Malkin and her ilk are a pernicious, negative and destructive influence on the Republican party and conservatism in general.
Saying you “speak with different voices”, is, frankly bullshit Captain. That’s like posting on the White Supremacy site or the NAMBLA site and saying you have differences of opinion, but adding your voice to the chorus will even things out. Malkin is a destructive and, in my opinion, EVIL influence, whipping up anti-immigrant hatred and even in some cases violence against those who disagree with her.
I take GREAT issue with her nativist rhetoric, the playing up of stories in which Mexicans commit crimes (which are, of course a fraction of a percentage of the crimes committed by legal immigrants and should not be used as a statement condemning immigrants as a whole, consequently I perceive her intent is to whip up hatred for immigrants, particularly Mexican immigrants as a whole) I resent her concentrated effort to portray not just all undocumented immigrants this way, but in particular MEXICAN immigrants, and there is a concerted effort over there to bludgeon the readership with negative stories about unnaturalized immigrants, to the point where the word “illegals” has become a euphemism for “dirty fucking Mexicans”. I find the entire site, its mission, its message and its managers to be not just wrong-headed, but in fact racists promulgating an evil, hateful and divisive message.
My satisfaction lies in the fact that they are on the losing end of history. In about 20 years this will no longer be an issue, and all this talk about “assimilation” will be at an end, except for the fact that it will be THEY who are the ones being assimilated. One of my main problems with Romney, other than his racist hate cult, was his pandering to nativists.
Well, this may be the penultimate, if not in fact the last, election where pandering to the Malkinites, as I call them, will be a lucrative course of action (already, it did not do much good for Romney)- McCain and Bush have recognized what Malkin and her racist, fear-mongering ilk do not: that alienating the Hispanic population and refusing to welcome the new wave of immigrants will only doom the Republicans to permanent minority, cause unrest and violence and resentment that will inevitably fail as our population and culture changes, as it has with every wave of immigrants, and may finally kill the party completely.
The majority of the party rejected Romney’s divisive race-baiting. Malkin can keep promoting it as stroking any dying minority will have a short term benefit as the fanaticism of a group with an obsessive, dying ideology are very loyal and rabid supporters of the leaders of that doomed cult of negativity, but die off it will, just as the far right found out just how marginalized and impotent they were this nomination season.
I’m not happy to see the Capt. move to a domain so associated with nativism, Mexican-bashing, constant posts on immigrant crime that try to smear all immigrants with the actions of a tiny tiny minority, that viciously attack politicians who don’t adhere to a virulently anti-immigrant policy, that spew the moronic and 19th century opinions about brown people that people like Tom Tancredo have built a power base around.
I hope you do keep independent of that group. But really, you lie down with dogs you get fleas. I hate to even click on the Hot Air/Malkin link and add to their credibility, advertiser base or hit ranking with my paltry daily click.
Oh well, I’ll miss your daily posts, which I consider among the most temperate, even-handed, civil and fair-minded, along with Glenn Reynolds and Dan Surber and Dan Riehl, but I’d rather keep my distance from the crap Malkin spews out her rancid piehole, even if its in the sidebar next to your reasoned, rational column.
Fuck Michele Malkin eternally. She’s a stain on the rightblogs and an example of the worst of the far right, every bit as bad as DU or Kos, and worse because her entire reason for existing is to try to deny a very decent, god-fearing, family oriented, hard-working group of people from joining our great society as productive members. People like her should be shunned and ignored, not celebrated and promoted.