Why Charles fucking Johnson has such a hard-on about Intelligent Design is beyond us. The guy is the infected pizzle of “turn-coat chic”; getting burned when you go too far pushing an anti-Islam trope, then over-correcting, trying to be loved by the left by bashing the right full-time: god knows they love high-lighting right on right violence. Except Chucky Johnson doesn’t support the right, he never has. He glamourizes himself, period, and every showboat post is meant to shovel a higher pile of shit on which he climbs to crow.
Would that he spent one-quarter of his time debunking glowball warmage. That issue has real potential to wreck our economy, infringe on our Constitutional rights and expand the role of government in every facet of our lives. But he’d rather bash fellow conservatives over a dumb-ass, trivial, pissant issue like Creationism vs. Evolutionism. Who the fuck cares?
Frankly, a little bit of the Bible in the classroom, however it gets there, can’t be a bad thing in our opinion. Johnson is a fanatic just as obsessed and asinine as those against whom he tilts. The self-important little fuck divides his time between posting self-congratulatory posts about his coding minutiae (about which no one gives a rat’s ass), reminding everyone how he managed to make an animated gif during the Rathergate affair, and battling Creationalism. Actually, Intelligent Design seems like a reasonable and worthy concept, and what the fuck is wrong with discussing it?
The bigger point is, we are not big advocates of either gay rights nor abortion rights, even though some of the bloggers here believe in those rights, because the people backing those issues, by and large, are our political enemies. Why Johnson feels the need to crusade against fellow conservatives who reliably vote Republican while ignoring the ignorant and damaging issue of so-called global warming, a pet project of our enemies, is not only stupid, it’s traitorous. It’s how conservative blogs helped lose the election. Focus, you stupid motherfucker. Get as het-up about Obama as you are about the fucking mention of God Almighty, you puling little puke. Else, what are you good for? If every rightblog doesn’t get off it’s fucking ass and start acting like the opposition, tearing down the Democrat brand and destroying Obama in every way possible, they should get the fuck off the net. Or at least quit pimping votes for “Best Conservative Blog”. Because you aren’t. You actually hurt our cause with your pissy little whinging shit.
For the record, one of our posters got the screenname “docweasel” banned from their comments for remarking, in a thread licking the asshole of Steve Jobs, that Macs were for fags. We all still stand by that assessment, and Johnson’s Job-felching proves our point.