Stupidity from some douchebag named S.T. VanAirsdale over at Movieline, who should stick to pimping for Hollywood movies and not attempt politics and current events: they just don’t have the intellect for it.
This entire column is fatuous. Yes, there are Jews IN the media. That doesn’t mean they control it, anymore than blacks control the media because black activists got Don Imus fired. There is an enormous list of media figures who have lost their jobs for saying something bigoted, or more commonly, just impolitic, forced out by pressure groups. Do ALL these pressure groups “control” the media? Sure. Everyone controls the media, contra the native American woman above. Some groups are more organized, magnifying their clout, and some comments are more outrageous and mobilize more outrage.
The very statement that someone “controls” the media, or banks, or the government is bigoted. You don’t smear entire groups or stereotype them. For one thing, all Jews don’t think the same thing, have the same political leanings, care about the same issues. Saying they “control” the media suggests they do, and it’s insulting and yes, bigoted.
Ms. Native American in the comments at this story seems to also conclude Jews run the US Judiciary. You people need to get a grip. You individuals, regardless of your ethnicity or religion, need to get a grip, and start treating people and regarding them as individuals, not part of a group, and supposing beliefs and motives on them simply because of these traits. That’s called identity politics, and it’s exactly what’s wrong with the Democrat party and the left in this country.
And no, smearing all Dems and leftists with the same brush is _not_ bigoted. This is a self-selecting group who belong to organizations dedicated to bigotry and race-hate. Just as it’s not unreasonable to assume all KKK members (like late Democrat Robert Byrd) are racists because they belong to a racist organization, the same applies to Democrats.