Pander:n., & v.t. 1. go-between in clandestine amours, procurer; one who ministers to evil designs. 2 v.i. minister (to base passions or evil designs, or person having these)
Japander:n.,& v.t. 1. a western star who uses his or her fame to make large sums of money in a short time by advertising products in Japan that they would probably never use. ~er (see synecure, prostitute) 2. to make an ass of oneself in Japanese media.
This week we feature Japander.com.
The “mission” of Japander is to poke a little fun at famous people who advertise in Japan but don’t do it back home.
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Arnold shows his acting versatility in a multi-role ad
A mal-nourished, unshaven Arnold speaks Japanese to bizarre smiley face
Arnold plays an alcoholic in the grip of the D.T.s
Brooke in the grip of caffeine addiction
More strangeness from Arnold
More of the monkey-like antics Ben Stiller has become famous for- in commercial form!
Cashing in on the Lennon name and cheapening the legacy
Ringo further cheapens the legacy
Rod the Mod sells you a Legacy
Some pretty funny Simpsons ads- they translate well to Japanese, maybe the Korean artists make it more Oriental or something
Leonardo DiCaprio, to the rescue, punching a Little Leaguer, interacting with dogs and birds, but always in a WagonRR with Oriami Gold Card
Dubya calls a reporter an asshole, which seems redundant
Dan Ackroyd, old, fat and senile
Columbo, ace detective, investigating some Azn pussy
Madonna fights a dragon and drinks tea
Madonna fights a spectre and drinks tea
Elmo tickles you
Brad fucks with a Japanese blonde
More Pitt Charm
Yet more
Winona not stealing anything, as far as we can tell
Winona, still hopped up on caffeine
Julian Sands, looking bizarre as ever
Sly plays the cello with YoYo and eats ham
Jody sells her soul
Little man Michael J. Fox goes fishing