Just a note, we never did feature this addition, making up for that now.
The complete 24 original issues of Omaha the Cat Dancer, a “funny animal” soap opera with plenty of furry sex going on, by artist Reed Waller and writer Kate Worley, now posted. I’ve had these since the ’80s (some of them) and added to the collection over the ‘net in the ’90s and just getting around to posting them. Also 2 issues of Images of Omaha, which were tributes drawn by many comic artists as a benefit for Keen, the artist for Omaha, who had contracted bowel cancer at the time. Ironically, cancer would claim the writer of the series, Kate Worley, leaving the main story unresolved, but her husband stepped in and edited and added to her notes and I guess they finally did tie up all the loose ends.
These only encompass the original Vol. #1 20 issues from around 1991 and Vol. 2 4 issues from 1995. Due to health problems they suspended the series after this, and 10 years later came back to resolve the story lines for the fans, and I understand they were serialized in the magazine Sizzle. Hard to find out much about that magazine, I’ll do some due diligence and try to run down a viable format of the final strips that wrap up the series.
In the meantime, enjoy these. I’m going to change the display format as well, the individual thumbnail format makes it impossible to read the story without a lot of hassle, you lose your place, etc. This was just the way it was done back in the day when we first put up Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Cherry Poptart, first posted in the mid-90s. Now we have better options and I’ll explore that before posting any more comic series. Red Meat, since it’s a strip, is a different case, but for these full-page numbers a slidehow will make reading them a more pleasant experience.
Anyway, enjoy! I’m thinking Doll for the next series and if I can work it without huge copyright problems I’d sure like to get some Cheech Wizard up, Bode was a minstrel for his times, the posters, the strips had such a vibrance and feel and evoke that era just like the Freak Bros. Sure like to get Cheech up there.