At last, the blessed embrace of Slow Death! Great comic, illustrated by the likes of Crumb, Wood and a band of regulars. The downside is the comic was conceived as a eco-nut warning to kids and adults about the horrors mankind was doing to the planet. Yes, all that crap started back in the ’70s and despite the fact that none of the doomsayers predictions comes true they are still at it.
The good thing is, the message is mostly lost amid the gore, sci-fi, robots and just plain old comic book adventure stories within, plus plenty of well-drawn comic book nudity and sex. There is the occasional lecturing hectoring piece, but most is indistinguishable from Death Rattle, to be honest.
Anyway, they are up, all 11 issues and plenty of background info. Enjoyful!
btw, we are settled on adding 2 more titles before we let the comics section alone for a bit and work on the Games section with our new section. We’ve pretty much decided on one of the final comics but the other one is still up in the air. Go to the def forum to vote on your fav!