Lefty idiot criticizes breeders as “irresponsible” for having kids. Just white people having kids, I’m assuming, even though they have the lowest birthrates compared to Hispanice, Muslims, all 3rd world shithole countries’ birthrates.
(photos courtesy Frannie Lebovitz)
One thing I don’t think I’ve ever read, (except by Christians who consider homosexuality a sin to begin with, and who are roundly ridiculed and insulted,) is a lefty criticizing gays for intentional and wanton unprotected sex, which kept the AIDs crisis going for decades now, when a simple change in behaviour, less promiscuity and more protection, would have wiped out sexually transmitted AIDs.
All they do is complain the government doesn’t do enough about a cure so they can go back to the ’70s bathhouse days of fucking a different guy every night with no consequences except maybe the clap. I recently read that the average AIDs patient had sex with around 1600+ partners. Talk about irresponsible.
How many billions have been spent so that gays can experience bareback sex with no repercussions? Try that one on for size while you are attacking the ‘fair-game’ SJW targets, hetero white people.