Why isn’t the Gannon story getting the play the Eason Jordan story got (other than the obvious fact that Gannon is a nobody while Jordan /was/ arguably one of the most powerful media execs in the world?
Well I can think of a very good reason the media might not be beating the big bass drum on the Gannon story: do they really want to make the case that the White House should do more intrusive and exhaustive checks on reporters’ backgrounds, including their personal lives?
The thing is, the left blahgerz have serious envy over the Dan Rather and Eason Jordan stories and they are trying to make much more of this than it is. The culpability of the White House is merely that they were calling on a friendly reporter for questions. I’ve read lefty blahgers trying to say Bush is involved with a male prostitute.
I don’t really think Kos expects harsher vetting of the press corps. His point seems to be that they should harshly vet the reporters who ask softball questions. If this guy was a regular media liberal hack, Kos would have no problem with the guy, gay prostitute or not. He’s taking cheap shots at the Administration over a guy whose only real affiliation with George Bush is that he asked the guy a few easy questions. That’s a pretty lame hit. You aren’t going to start racking up scalps that way. You look weak and ineffectual.
They excuse it with “what if it were a lefty, imagine the hell raised!” Well that dog won’t hunt. They look hypocritical and petty in this entire episode: the guy is gone, he’s small potatoes, and do you really want all the White House Press Corps to go through FBI and Secret Service background checks of their _personal lives_ before they get a pass? I think the answer is obvious. I guess you play the hand you are dealt. Keep beating the Gannon drum, its all you got. You just look kind of stupid doing it.