This is beyond retarded asskissing. A smart 2nd or 3rd tier Dem candidate would tell Maddog Dean to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut and campaign like mad in Florida and Michigan.
Republican candidates should appear in both states early and often, plus run commercials pointing up the fact that the Democrats don’t want their vote to count.
Opposition activists should also haunt Democrat campaign appearances in both Florida and Michigan during the general election and taunt them about not honoring both state’s primaries. If Republicans play this right, it will cause a nasty backlash for these boot-licking lemmings on the Dem side.
Who the fuck cares if Nevada (4 electoral votes) or New Hampshire (4) or even Iowa (8) and S. Carolina (8) get their panties in a twist. Michigan has 20 and Florida 27. Do the math.
Democrats to Avoid Fla., Mich.
The Democratic candidates have signed a pledge that would forbid them from campaigning in states such as Michigan and Florida that have sought to move their presidential primaries into January 2008.
The move ended weeks-long jockeying over which states get to hold early primaries.
Democratic leaders in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, the four states that had been designated by the Democratic National Committee to hold early primaries, demanded in letters Friday that the candidates not participate in the early primaries of other states. The candidates either had to sign the pledge or risk annoying officials in those key states.
Sens. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Del.) and Christopher J. Dodd (Conn.), along with New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, signed the pledge within hours on Friday. By yesterday, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.), and former senator John Edwards of North Carolina, had joined them.
UPDATE: Cadillac Tight has some more, less profane thoughts on the matter.