This cracked me up (via Wash Times)
The coalition of angry Clintonites has accused the Democratic Party of stealing the presidential nomination from Mrs. Clinton and were further outraged when Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama passed over Mrs. Clinton as his running mate in favor of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware.
Many of these renegade Democrats vow to back likely Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain or sit out the election, despite Mrs. Clinton’s wholehearted endorsement of Mr. Obama and her speech Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention in which she made a plea for party unity.
And Gore and Kerry were robbed. And the 2002 mid-terms were fixed. And if by hook or crook St. Obama Hussein loses, it will be because of Diebold.
Not being able to accept the results of elections leads people like them to conclude they are right on the issues and candidates, they are just ripped off by cheating Republicans (or in this case, other Democrats).
This is good for the Republican party because not only does it keep the Dems in a frothy state of incoherent rage, it leads them to believe their failed policies and stands on the issues are actually winners, and they don’t try to moderate them. And the Republicans keep kicking their ass (the 2006 mid-terms actually could have been much worse, but by the time the election rolled around people remembered they hated the Dems too, keeping it from being a total rout).
The Dems are still wrong on the war. Sure Americans want us out. But that’s a long way from saying they want to surrender unilaterally. That’s the thing that will kill Obama in November. Americans never vote for the guy who says he’ll end a war by surrendering.
Just ask President McClellan.