Maurice “Snoopy” Miller: “You know, in a situation like this, there’s a high potentiality for the common motherfucker to bitch out.”
When you’re down and in a tough spot, you don’t curl up and die. You don’t lay down and take it. You don’t bitch out.
Some so-called conservatives think the opposite. They think we should be little gentlemen and take the ass-whuppin’ we so richly deserve. Why do they feel this way?
Dumbass, pussy, battered woman syndrome sufferer, or all three? Which of these best describes the genius who tells us we need to shut the fuck up and make whiny, timid criticisms of the Democrats while they destroy the country?
Fuckwit Andy Levy (sounds like a joke name) at the new Brietbart Big Hollywood site counsels conservatives to eschew the strategy the left used to demonize Bush and drive his numbers into the ground, laying the way for huge Dem majorities in Congress and the retaking of the presidency.
He patronizingly advises us to follow the rules, be civil and fair, stick to the “issues” and lose like gentlemen. We should unilaterally disarm, we guess, and get used to the abuse and learn to live with it and just be “better people”. And permanently out of power people. He’s wrong, dead wrong. Low information people don’t give a flying fuck about the “issues”. They don’t give a rat’s ass about “policy”. They only understand when you drum into their pointy little heads that Katrina was all Bush’s fault, that the war was a total failure and worthless undertaking, that Bush it to blame for the financial crisis. We don’t need Breitbart’s stupid fucking lame-ass bullshit. We need in your face fighters. We need grassroots organization. We need fire, we need commitment, we need a strong message.
And we need to destroy the Democrats’ brand.
Fuck comity. Fuck that and fuck Obama. Listen, you nancyboys, mewling prettily about “substantive policy differences” like whiny little bitches isn’t going to win us any friends or elections. My God, you make us want to puke with that shit.
We need to be loud, we need to be outrageous, we need to be unfair, uncivil and profane. We need to be aggressive and persistent. That’s how you get the public’s attention. That’s how Bush was so effectively demonized. We here at docweaselbog talked to people on the street before the election: most weren’t voting for Obama, they were voting against George W. Bush by proxy, by voting against the GOP. The brand is damaged, and we don’t buy it’s because we didn’t follow conservative principles. The public is obviously fine with getting goodies from the government. We are damaged because the other side is constantly telling the world how evil and un-American Republicans are. Well we’re sick of it, even if you are ok with being taking it up the ass from Democrat thugs.
Smug little cocksuckers like Levy are always lecturing us to take the highroad and be happy to be gracious losers. We want to punch him in the face. He’s what’s wrong with this party. That was McCain’s idea on how to win the election. We see how that worked out.
When the Republicans were radical, loud and in the face of the nation we won. When Rush was riding high. When Newt was out there telling the country what assholes and idiots the Dems were. That’s the problem with Bush in a nutshell: he took it like a man with dignity and grace. Well, we see where it got him and we see where it got the party. And we see where the profane, radical, rebellious, obscene, ranting, spittle-spewing left of firedoglake, kos and digby got them. Us in the cold, them in the driver’s seat. Some conservatives are gloating that Obama isn’t as leftist as he advertised.
He will name liberal justices to the SCOTUS. That’s why we went insane with rage at conservatives who said, and still say, that McCain was as bad as Obama. Or that it would be “good to be in the wilderness for awhile” or “we should send a message”. You fucking idiots. Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh proved themselves selfish little cocksuckers by not backing McCain to the fucking HILT, no matter what his shortcomings. Yes, the answer is he would have been better than Obama.
McCain would not have pulled out of Iraq, he would not have let down our guard against terrorists, he would have pursued the war in Afghanistan, he would have named more conservative judges than Obama would have. All the rest is trivia. Spare me your outrage about immigrants, you xenophobic, racist fucks. You better get used to Hispanics and find a way to court them and make them realize that they should vote their conservative beliefs and not their liberal leanings, or the GOP is done. God DAMN Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs and all the immigrant bashing FUCKS on the net. They are not helping either. Hispanics are not our enemy. We need them. The liberals are our enemy. Focus, dammit.
Yeah, “Andy”, let’s just stick to policy and the issues. That worked so well in the campaign.
Well, we have a better idea on how to handle the situation:
First, demonize Obama and ascribe his motives to evil and malfeasance, not just policy differences. We should proclaim often and loudly that he is not our president, that he stole the election and he has no mandate, and that people in the U.S. are ashamed of him. We should repeat false stories about him, no matter how crazy or wrong, until they are accepted as common wisdom.
We should create lies and urban legends to smear him and demean him. We should ridicule any verbal slips or gaffes, and ascribe them to his native stupidity and intellectual vapidity. We should accuse him of every sin and crime under the sun and attempt to have him impeached for policy differences, which we should call crimes. We should undermine any programs he wants to pass by misstating their goals and content.
We should take quotes out of context to make him seem ridiculous and to make him seem mean-spirited. We should repeat often that he doesn’t care about people who aren’t the same race as he is, and that he is only out for his own kind. We should claim that he is going to try to force a coup and take over the country by force. We should claim he’s going to lock up any dissenters. We should loudly scream about losing our rights and interfere with his speechs and disrupt any gatherings of his party. Our politicians should cynically misstate his policies to make him look bad.
Heck, it worked for the Dems after Bush was elected in 2004, right?
This, with the “mocking” post of celebutards that was as stupid as the ad it mocked, makes 2 well-publicized posts on Big Hollywood we’ve bothered to read and both were less that stellar. My God, do you not see how fucking lame that is? Do you not see how getting a titter and a link from other rightblogs is useless as balls on a pope? We need people out there demonizing them, getting in their face about being un-American traitors, who suck off the tits of the capitalist system to enrich themselves, then disgustingly degrade our country, piss on our traditions and beliefs, spit in the faces of the hard men who make life and death decisions to keep Cameron Diaz safe so she can fucking stick out her perky little tits, stand with her hips cocked and her vagina centered, and spew venom about how evil the US is and how her civil rights have been shredded. We’d like to fucking shred her fucking face.
The latest lecture is actually counter-productive. We don’t need lessons in civility. That’s not why we’re getting our asses handed to us. If it were, the left would be in the wilderness instead of owning 2 of the 3 branches of government, soon to be 3 when Obama stacks the court and, following Levy’s asinine, retarded advice, the GOP and conservatives will have no voice at all in government.
But we’ll be known as civilized, polite little pussies!
The Next Right proves again it has a tin political ear, agreeing with this bullshit.
What the fuck is wrong with you pussies? Have you learned nothing at all? If we don’t start now, right now, right fucking now now now now now now hitting Obama with EVERYTHING we’ve got we’re going to be looking at 8 years of this fuck. It’s not inconceivable that he names SIX fucking SCOTUS justices. That will affect the country for the next fucking half century. Do you get that? Are we getting through? Comity and fairness is not going to get it. We need to get mad, we need to be frantic. Demographics are against us.
The GOP brand is in tatters. It’s shit in the eyes of the country. The only way to bring it up is to bring them down. We need to ALL OF US be huge megaphones SCREAMING about every Obama gaffe, policy, issue, mistake, foible, stutter, all the blemishes of his appointees, we need to rehash Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers. People still haven’t heard us on this. Then, when things get grey, it will pound on him. Relentless. Unfair. Destructive. Tear it ALL the fuck down. We’ve got to use every weapon to not only fight them, but to destroy them. Don’t let our congressmen cave on Geither.
Don’t let Hillary breeze through. And when they do get confirmed, keep pounding Obama about them. Don’t let up. Find new stuff, and keep repeating the old. Hell, make shit up. It works. Keep repeating it, spread it, link it, google-bomb it, get it out there. It works. It’s been proven, with no doubt. Now we get to work. Doing exactly the opposite of what Andy Levy wants us to do. While Andy Levy is out there felching Obama’s ass and disagreeing with his stand on the tariffs of Venezuela vis a vis the ratio of inflation and import duties, we’ll be out there pounding Obama’s fucking ass about ANY increase in violence in Iraq.
God help that motherfucker if there’s a terrorist action. Then the fucking roof will cave in.
Get on board. Let’s fucking bury this elitist, opportunistic, shallow, racist, smug, lying, America hating, white bashing shit-sucking socialist douchenozzle named Barack Hussein Obama. You got your Shrub? Well how about Buttcrack Obama for starters. And you want to call Bush a chimp? Well Obama is a fucking shit-throwing rhesus monkey.
Let’s mock him, let’s abuse him, let’s be as UNfuckingcivil and hateful as we can. It fucking feels good, actually. We fucking told off some stupid fuck who had the misfortune to ask us “wasn’t it great” that Obama was being inaugurated. A member of our team berated him for 15 minutes about Obama raising his girls to hate white people. About Obama coddling a radical bomber, who abetted in murders and bombing government buildings. How Obama consorted with criminals, felons, terrorists, corrupt and evil bastards who steal public moneys and run corrupt states and mob bosses who helped pay for Obama’s house with money made from extortion, murder, white-slavery, robbery, drugs, whores, thievery, torture.
You think attacking the Clintons with everything we had didn’t work? It did. It’s one reason we aren’t looking at a President Hillary right now. And it cut the balls right out from under Bill. You want to talk about a failed presidency. He did fucking NOTHING for his constituents. Not one fucking thing, but lose them the Congress for a decade or more. That the impeachment didn’t work is the biggest lie of the 90’s. It kept us from a President fucking Gore.
So spare me that shit. That drivel, that pablum, that drooling, puling, stinking, worthless, rotten, maggot-writhing scum-sucking bag of bones and guts swimming in a sea of pus you call Big Hollywood. Fuck Big Hollywood and fuck your way of thinking. You are a burden to us, a millstone, a drag, an anchor, you hurt the party and you fucking disgust true patriots. Fucking shut the fuck up or die, one. Just spare us your losing strategies. We don’t need them. We’ve left you behind. We need to attack the press and the Democrats with EVERYTHING WE HAVE. It’s fucking war, it started last Tuesday and it will never fucking end. Never. Never ever ever, not until we die, then someone else will have to pick up the flag and carry the standard on. It will never end, not while there is a country and not while there is a Republican or Democrat party. We need to crush them, destroy them, completely obliterate them. Because if we don’t, they will destroy the country. They are not just wrong-headed, they are anti-American. They want to destroy the country, and possibly break it up into pieces. We must defeat them by any means necessary. By any legal means, of course, but other than that, no holds barred. And we mean NOTHING BARRED.
If you don’t have the balls to fight it, then shut your fucking bitch mouth, you whinging little titty baby son of whore. We’ll fight the fight without you.
And your overlord Drudge (no link for that POS) is a cocksucker as well. He can rot in hell. On with the revolution.
Dumbass, so-called “conservative” blogs that enjoy taking it up the ass come election time:
Silent E Speaks – Some of his commenters get it, but not many.
An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings – Again, her commenters get it, even if she doesn’t. Please, get blogs. We need to drown out this punkass bitch attitude that getting gang-raped every 2 years is a good thing.
A Soft Answer – Yeah, a “soft answer” isn’t the only limp member you got hangin’, sport. Join the other side, we don’t need more pussies, we need rock hard boners that you can drive nails with. Through Obama’s fucking head, if necessary, figuratively speaking, of course. This guy practices the kind of Christianity where you are so pacifist you stand by and let your family be killed, then your own throat cut, because you will die before doing violence on another. Well, we don’t roll that way. We fight back, and we need rhetorical violence and mayhem to be done on the Democrats. Now. Now now now now now now now now. No comity, no peace, no civility. WAR dammit.
Rockwall County Line – It doesn’t appear anyone actually reads this blog, but it hurts our side on Google, anyway, so please stop it, whoever you are.
Because No One Asked – again, no comments, no trackbacks, but more ignorance from people claiming to be conservatives. Go away. Go home. Get a job. Don’t blog, you’re too fucking stupid to handle it. You aren’t helping by spreading stupidity, even if only on Google. Someone might stumble on your site by accident, you never know, and that’s a bad thing.
An Elephant in Donkey Land (yet another fucking pussy. I’m hoping that the people who disagreed with this fucking piece of shit post just didn’t bother to trackback old Andy, because the total tonnage of stupidity coming from the blogs who did trackback to that swollen bag of seething, stinking pus, swirling with every evil venom and corruption that can at eat the GOP like acid would fill the Caspian Sea to the high tide line.
Race42012 Yeah, well your blog name is a misnomer if you think you’re going actually win the race in 2012 with that kind of attitude. This guy has been “struggling” to write a post as useless, wrong and dimwitted, not to mention cowardly, as Andy Levy’s. Well, save your strength. You need it to cut your milquetoast breakfast, Mary.
HotAir Being an adjunct of Malkin, we long ago lost any hope of HotAir being useful in regaining the GOP majority. Here they just link to stupidity without comment. Cap’n Ed, although I like him, is the kind of guy who will sign on to Levy’s tripe, I’m sure he’ll address it, if he hasn’t offered this kind of bonehead advice himself already. We are so fucking sick of hearing “let’s not be like the Democrats!”. Yeah, let’s not win in 2010, Let’s not win in 2012. Let’s not win again, ever. Let’s be the loyal, civil, gentle opposition and sit by, commenting in gentlemenly fashion, while the fucking country goes to hell, if it doesn’t actually fail or break into pieces. You stupid fucks make us want to puke, you really do. Get the fuck out of the party, please. Join the fucking Libertarians, who claim to be for individual rights and less government, yet siphon off votes from the party most likely to accomplish that. Go with them, so you are plainly labeled the enemy. Because right now, you’re a pretender that hurts us because some sincere Republican might actually read your links and take them to heart. Break your keyboard or your fingers, please. Patrick Henry will thank you, from his grave.
Random Thoughts This guy is “trying, really I am, to adopt Andy Levy’s To Don’t List, particularly these key points”. Yeah, well try to shut the fuck up then, because if you are blogging using his rules, you are a fucking worthless piece of shit, and you are actually detrimental to our cause, because the more gutless cowards we have calling themselves Republicans, the longer it will take for the real message to get through. Read our fucking post, copy paste it on your next 1000 posts, or just go back to the Crocheting Forum and make another fucking sweater for your dachshund, because you aren’t worth a flying fuck at a rolling donut as far as helping the conservative cause. Thxmmkaybai. Asshole
Hubflyer merely presents the link without much comment, as if he were doing a public service. Link our shit, numbnuts. Not Levy’s useless drivel.
And it wouldn’t hurt to keep Andy Levy’s advice in mind, too, if they actually want to regain relevancy.
The Democrats, for good or ill, now hold all the cards. They have been given the reins of power by the American people, and that isn’t going to change for at least the next two years. That is the harsh reality that the Republicans have to face, the fact that they need to deal with.
So choose your fights carefully, Republicans, but also have fun. Feel free to spread your wings, as the Democrats are charged with the final say on many decisions that could go terribly wrong.
This kind of shit makes us angry, it really does. It makes us raging, vein-popping, pundit strangling mad. Yeah, just lay the fuck down and take your fucking anal rape, because they hold all the cards. Don’t fight back, don’t lash out, don’t fight fire with fire, don’t try to hurt their brand or damage their reputation and popularity, because that sure won’t get you back in power. Just like it didn’t for the spittle-spewing leftists, right? You stupid, inane, shit-breathed, rope-smoking, cum-swilling faggot. Why do fucks like this get paid to write for a living? On a purportedly “conservative” mag’s blog? This is the kind of “leadership” and punditry that destroyed the party. The Dems had this kind of “serious” class, and they fucking ate them alive and destroyed them, and through fire purged the party of this kind of scab-encrusted, filthy, lying, damned to the hottest corner of hell stupidity. Fuck you and anyone that looks like you, Thayer, you cretinous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert. We hope you get cancer of the fingers. Obviously, cancer of the testicles is out of the question.
DaTechguy’s Blog We have no idea if this stupid fuck knows shit about “tech”, but he is the sort of disgusting little coward the right doesn’t need. How to act now that we are “out of power?” Do we not have any Senators or Congressmen at all? Do we not have freedom of speech? We are not out of power. We are out of the majority and we are out of the Whitehouse. We have quite a bit of power, thank you. 48% of Americans who bothered to go to the polls despise Obama in various levels. Our job is to increase that venom, and enlarge it. There is about 10% of the population who are ignorant, filthy, immoral, clueless, spineless little fucks who will believe what they are told to believe. It’s our job to tell them. Now. Incessantly. Loudly. Get on it, and stop worrying about what they are going to do to us and worry about what we’re going to do to them. Jesus titty fucking Christ.
The Unreligious Right – Just another moron nodding moronically to Levy’s idiocy. Well, whatever is “right”, in the sense of correct or conservative, Levy’s post isn’t, so your blog’s moniker is a misnomer. Change it, or get a clue and condemn this shit, just don’t blind link to stupidity with no comment. That’s not just lazy, it’s irresponsible and frankly, the act of a coward. “Sean Penn is an Ass” — Don’t Be Like Him!” Yeah, let’s not be happily attending anymore of our own parties inaugurations, huh?! We wouldn’t want that to interfere with being good little soldiers, taking libtard abuse from the nutroots, the mainstream media, Hollywood, the TV industry, the alphabet networks, the press, loud-mouthed liberal politicians and other propagandists that have convinced the American public that the GOP is evil and stupid and the Dems and Obama are the greatest thing to happen to the country since Lincoln was shot! We wouldn’t want to be rude Man, fuck you assholes. Fuck you running. Fuck your goddam dog. Fuck your mother. Yeah that’s right, fuck your fucking MOTHER. Eat shit and die motherfucker. Stop posting. Die already. We hate you. You hurt the party. Fuck you. Fuck you in the ear.
How Conservatives Should Celebrate the Inauguration By David Horowitz This article nearly drives us to a murderous, red rage. We would gladly cut off this motherfucker’s fingers with hedgetrimmers if we could.
No, it’s NOT historic. It’s not a step for equality or race relations. It’s NOT good for the FUCKING COUNTRY YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKING ASSHOLE. Look, the motherfucker is a stone racist. You forget about Rev. Wright? Yeah, we stupidly thought Obama was post-racial too. We thought race relations were moving forward. We feel absolutely NO animus or prejudice toward any race. We thought the black Americans were moving this way as well.
Then we find out, according to Wright, that black churches all across the great country of ours are instilling hatred toward white people in their children, and cheering and amening to racist rhetoric weekly. That they are teaching, literally and with great fervor, that white Americans are greedy, racist, hateful, murderous and evil. That white America created AIDS and crack to keep the black man down. That all whites are suspect, and can never be trusted. That we all hate blacks and blacks should hate us right back (let’s mention that not all docweasel bloggers are white, btw).
Well, we DON’T see his inauguration as a great thing. We see it as a great evil, propagated partly by the press, and partly allowed by McCain, who refused to call Obama on it. A white politician with racist roots as Obama had would have been destroyed. Obama used it to his advantage and got away with it. No more. We should harp on it again and again and again and again. Never stop. Never Surrender. Never shut the fuck up, never “move on”, not until he and his ilk are defeated, nay, destroyed.
And so on.
Blogs that get it:
The Anchoress – Finally, someone with actual balls. A woman, an avowed Christian and a deeply spiritual and religious person. And that totally makes sense, because you know what? As young Catholics, we were taught that not only must we seek to do justice, we must not stand idly by and allow injustice or allow a person to injure another. We must not harm others, nor allow another man to do so.
Which is why it was our Christian duty to free Iraq. Which is why it was our Christian duty to destroy the Taliban, at which we still strive. Which is why it is our Christian duty to fight the Democrats with everything we have. It’s time to say it: they aren’t just wrong, they are evil. They are out to destroy the country as we know it. They hate us, they hate our way of life, they wish to abridge our Constitutional rights, and we need to face it and attack them, as if they we were at war.
For the sake of the United States, the GOP must regain control of all branches of government. If we do not, our country will not last out this century, maybe not even the next decade. It may splinter, split or fail completely. Do your duty.
Read this post again, if you aren’t sure what that is. And pay attention to the Anchoress, the only fucking conservative blog I’ve seen so far with any goddam cajones and who is willing to speak honestly, even if it is a bit “impolite” and less than gentlewomanly.
The Political Inquirer Brother, we are glad to know ye. We are happy to read there is at least another conservative blog out there not written by fools, morons or out and out traitors to the cause. We salute you. His post:
This was posted by one of the “mainstream conservatives” on National Review’s blog. It’s a list of things that conservatives shouldn’t do.
It looks to me like a path to a Democrat victory in 2012 and 2016.
Democrats won by being radical against an incompetent president.
Although we would only quibble that Bush’s only incompetency was in not defending himself, his record and his crew sufficiently. Other than that, stellar post.
Yesterday, Dr. Melissa Clothier lost us with an obscure little goof post. She does better today.
UPDATE by another docweaselblog member:
If you do not fight Obama and Dems with everything you’ve got, you’re not a true conservative. You’re a false Christian if you stand idly by and allow injustice and injury to your fellow Americans. The Dems are not just wrong-headed, they are evil, and they wish to destroy our country. We truly believe that if they are allowed to govern unfettered, they will split or splinter the country. It may ultimately fail completely. We need to fight their policies, destroy their power, their reputation, damage their brand, attack their motives, decry their excesses, stop their programs, fight them on every issue, call them on every crime. The ascension of Obama was NOT a good thing for this country. The man is a stone racist. He despises white people. He indoctrinated his children from birth with a preacher who taught that all whites are evil, greedy, racist, murderous and dishonest. He taught them never to trust a white face, that whites invented AIDs and crack among other thing to keep blacks down and murder them. He taught them that whites have only their own interests at heart, so blacks should do so as well. He is the epitome of what is wrong with black America today, their focus on the “evil” of the white man for all their own problems.
Fight him. Attack him. Smear him. Undermine him. Propagandize against hm and his ilk. We have to start NOW. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. To stand by idly or fight in a “gentlemenly” fashion is not just cowardly, ignorant and foolish, it’s traitorous. Damn those who won’t fight Obama and the Dems with EVERY legal means, and most especially our freedom of speech. Let’s give as good as we got over the last 8 years. Do you really contend that if we behave like little nancyboys for the next 8 years, that if a Republican does get in, the Dems won’t again demonize him and drive his ratings to the low 20s?
If you do, you are more than a fool than you look.