I Hate Ike and the Racism of Racial Solidarity
This probably sounds cold, but I’m fucking sick of hearing about the fucking hurricane. I was sick of hearing about Gustav, and I’m sick of fucking Ike. It may be of interest to people affected, but sorry, I don’t give a shit that the power is out in Galveston. There’s nothing I can do about it, it doesn’t affect me, and I just can’t be moved to give two shits about it.
It’s been on Drudge for weeks, first Gustav and now Ike. Billions of damage. Not many people killed, thankfully, but some of those who were killed were dumbasses who refused to leave when told to.
I was especially weary of hearing about New Orleans. Why was it essential to rebuilt New Orleans, just so they had to spend millions evacuating and housing people (for nothing, as it turns out) and paying police and emergency people. Why the fuck don’t they move it up river and abandon the part that is always in the path.
I am very interested in the election right now. I want polls, rumors about Hillary joining the ticket, backlash stories against the media, how Obama is trailing in PA, MN, ahead by a whisker in WI and MI and other gleefully happy news.
Weather is never interesting and I detest seeing all the goddamn weather headlines. It’s boring. It’s only of interest to locals. What possible interest could anyone have in how much damage Ike did? Why would you fucking? Why? What the fuck is difference? Why do we need to know how many people are without power? So we can better commiserate? Like, if there are 42k rather than 15k, does that matter a shit difference in the grand scheme of things.
I live in Tampa, but more specifically I live in Brandon, a suburb east of Tampa and about 30 miles inland. We’ve never had anything, in 50 years or more (not that I’ve been here or even been alive that long, but I’ve heard) Brandon has never been adversely affected. The year of Katrina there were like 6 hurricanes in a row. My sister lives on Davis Islands, which are right on the bay. Her sunken living room was sunken 3 times in a row.
She drained it, 2 weeks later another hurricane came and “sunk” it again, ruining all the new stuff. It happened 3 times. They built a new house this year, “hurricane proof” but that remains to be seen. I love my sister, but I think this is stupid as shit. If her house is blown away, I will not feel sorry for her, I’ll think she’s stupid. Of course I pray that no harm will ever come to my sister, her husband or her kids. But I think it’s stupid as fuck that she lives there.
And the same with everyone who lives on the coast or in hurricane lanes. If you want to live there, fine, but don’t come whining when you get blown up. And don’t expect the government to bail you out, and don’t act entitled to help and cash. You’re a stupid, selfish, asinine jerk and you should move inland.
Fuck New Orleans, fuck the idiots who moved back there, and fuck Galveston. Sorry, that’s the way I feel. And I don’t care to read about how many people are washed out or out of electricity or how much it’s going to cost the taxpayer to temporarily house them or rebuild their shit just so it can be blown away again next year. It’s bullshit.
Only essential port facilities should be there. Everyone else should move inland. New Orleans is like Venice or the Netherlands. People were never meant to live there, it’s a temporary fix and it’s all going to sink if there’s a storm or just from normal movement of the earth, erosion, etc.
God fucking damn I am tired of seeing Ike at the top of Drudge, and tired of reading about how the Bush Admin learned from it’s mistakes during Katrina and now they are bending over backwards to throw cash at everyone affected by Ike.
The Bush Admin did nothing wrong during the Katrina disaster. Nothing. The federal governments only responsibility is to come in and help repair infrastructure that the state can’t do. Interstate highways and the like. Refineries and such that are essential to the security of the country. The mayor of Chocolate City is the one to blame for anyone who didn’t get evacuated or got killed (remember the buses, sitting knee-deep in water and unused, when they were supposed to be used for evacuation. How the FUCK is that President Bush, or “Brownie’s” fault.
The press certainly used the disaster to smear the president and damage him with the public. They printed and reported gigantic and fantastic lies. The fact is, President Bush and his pal Brownie deserve absolutely NO blame for a single fucking thing that went wrong. The do-nothing Democrat governor is to blame. The ignorant, incompetent, demagogic, lying, racist, race-bating mayor Nagin is to blame.
But inner city blacks, let’s be honest, are often ignorant, racist voters. They vote for people like Nagin and Marion Berry because of racist solidarity, ignoring attacks on their heroes because they see an attack on any successful black man as a set-back for blacks in general. That’s why Kwame Kilpatrickstill has so much support in Detroit, after stealing public funds, assaulting officers or the law, obstructing justice, lying in court, lying to a judge’s face, using public funds to pay off his whore, etc..
He has racist black supporters there who will back him no matter what he does. The racist New Orleans public voted Nagin back into office even though he personally was responsible for killing some of them. Because he lied, demagogued and race-baited his way out of it. He smeared President Bush and threw up so much mud and smoke, aided by the traitorous, treasonous, disgusting bastards in the press that the public, and especially the minority voters in New Orleans, believe it. And the racist cocksucker Nagin, who famously demanded that New Orleans remain majority black (can you imagine a white mayor saying that and getting away with it about a white majority district?) so he could be sure of a compliant, racist base who would vote him back in despite the fact that he is criminally incompetent.
And why? Racism. Black racism against white people. Unfortunately for Governor Blanco, who is white, white voters in the rest of the state feel no such racial solidarity for an incompetent, useless, lying, blame-shifting, fraudulent, criminally negligent cocksucker like Kathleen Blanco, so they threw her out and elected Republican Bobby Jindal, about whom we’ll be hearing a lot in the coming years. He’s a rising star in a party that is increasingly looking like it has a deep bench of young rising stars, competent, honest, popular and tough.
If racism is ever going to stop, we need to quit voting for people because of their race, or ranting about keeping a city “black” or white, and we need to remove color from the evaluation of a candidate or a person, completely.
So this rant is about 3 things: I’m sick of hurricane news, I don’t care and how the fuck can it possibly make any difference to anyone who isn’t there.
2. I hate inner city minorities who are so racist they keep reelecting and supporting corrupt and incompetent assholes like Marion Berry, “Chocolate City” Nagin and Motor City Kwame Kilpatrick just because of racial solidarity. It’s fucking criminally stupid and the racists who do it are ignorant assholes. Uneducated, useless wastes of resources and tax-payer funds. Assholes who keep electing these jerks cost their cities money, and they cost their states money. But they don’t care, because most of them are probably sucking off the government teat, and that’s one of the reasons they support these big city criminals, because they keep the faucet flowing with government money, services and food stamps for their ignorant, racist constituents.
Voting in “racial solidarity” is as racist as the KKK, and it’s cost more lives, money, property damage, physical injury and damage to race relations than the KKK has in over 100 years. Only ignorant bigots engage in it.
While we are on the subject, the fact that 95% of blacks voted for Obama in the primaries and continue to support him for president is a stone racist and disgusting statistic. The press should, by all rights, making a huge outcry over this hateful, asinine behavior by a huge group of racist cocksuckers. White people should refuse to back ANY black candidate until ALL races agree to evaluate a candidate by ability, honesty, stands on the issues, proposed policies and other unbiased criteria. The fact that 95% of blacks back Obama is why race relations in this country suck, not anything that whites have done to blacks. It’s the bigotry, prejudice and ignorant hateful racism against white people, like the wholesale rejection of ANY white candidate simply on the basis of the color of their skin. Would Martin Luther King have approved of 95% of all blacks backing Obama? Not unless he was a lying hypocritical bastard he wouldn’t. A good 20% of all Obama’s supporters are fucking racist assholes. And the press has the GALL to complain that white people aren’t voting for him because THEY are prejudiced.
Pigs will fly before you see an article about blacks not voting for McCain because they are racist cocksuckers.
Nagin ripped off the entire country so he could keep New Orleans his private plantation where he can keep getting elected no matter how badly he fucks up. He’ll just blame it on the white man. And he’ll whine that if everyone doesn’t do everything humanly possible to ensure blacks outnumber whites in N.O., it’s a racist plot against black people. Fuck Kanye West while we’re at it. Bush doesn’t care about black people I don’t fucking care about black OR white people stupid enough to live in New Orleans.
I hate everyone in New Orleans and I hope a hurricane kills them all so no one will ever live there again.
Lastly, I hate the press that distorts any disaster and lies and demagogues against Republicans who they claim are supposed to do everything humanly possible to save and rebuild and repay the stupid FUCKS who live in a hurricane danger zone. Fuck them too. They are also racist because they didn’t rip on Nagin one/one millionth of the blame they put on President Bush, who has absolutely NO responsibility to save the dumb, lazy, pig-ignorant assholes who live in New Orleans and the surrounding area. Fuck all of them, I hope a hurricane kills them all.
There, I said it, live with it. Anyone who doesn’t agree can kiss my ass as well, fuck you.