UPDATE: some mild ribbing of the estimable Ace of AOSHQ results in a public meltdown. Read on, this is both pathetic and heart-breaking because we geniunly liked the guy, he just has become sort of a prig lately and a member of our group gave him some well-deserved shit over it, and he went apeshit. This should go in a textbook about internet insanity. /END UPDATE
I post this because the author won’t, and it will annoy her, plus it’s funny.
One of the writers here typically comments around the ‘net with the moniker “ms” docweasel (which is technically against the spirit of our endeavor, which is to blog/post/comment with the same name to confuse people and to avoid “star blogger” syndrome, where the personality of one of the posters in a group blog becomes the “star” and infighting breaks out on the blog, see poli-pundit et all.
Anyway, she got a kick out of the increasingly full-of-himself AOS, whom we love and daily read by the way, posting about the Blagovich juror and a story he got from local Chicago news, and his branding of the post “MUST CREDIT AOSHQ” which is hilariously over the top it has to be a joke, right? Except it’s not- Ace has been straight-facedly posting telling people to check out this post or that of his because it’s pretty damn funny good whatever and waxing rhapsodic about being tired about the rigors of “working” on a blog post all weekend, etc.
Look, we like and respect blogging as much as anyone, but it’s BLOGGING for cripes sake.
Anyway, she posted this:
262 “must credit aoshq”
that is a joke, right? you must credit that aoshq read/heard the news before you did.“must credit dan rather, president kennedy is dead”
You know, I kick around the MSM as much as anyone, but that is pretty funny, “must credit aoshq”.
How about crediting the guy who actually got the story Ace saw on the news?
This, combined with Ace’s assertion about how he stayed up all night, honing and improving a blog post, pretty much show that blogging has jumped the shark. I give up :p
Ace is a lot of things, self-aware is not one of them.
Posted by: ms. docweasel at August 19, 2010 12:54 AM (rLs4O)
which garnered THREE quick comments by Ace (can’t he edit his own comments? Posting 3 in a row makes him look deranged).
288 ms docweasel,
I’ve never liked you, chiefly because you’re insane and a bitchy harridan. I am exercising my right to no longer have to interact with you.
Goodbye, shit for brains. Good luck in your further exploits.
Another one gone. God it feels good.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:36 AM (QbA6l)
289 >>>This, combined with Ace’s assertion about how he stayed up all night, honing and improving a blog post, pretty much show that blogging has jumped the shark.
and so it has. So long.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:37 AM (QbA6l)
Is he quitting blogging? Surely, he’s not so stupid he thinks, in this day and age, you can actually ban people from comment threads? Unless you have a fascist restrictive system like LGF, it’s pretty difficult to keep people from just switching IPs, if they think it will bug you.
He’s not done, let’s listen:
290 you know, this is ms docweasel’s problem: A lot of people are on the internet because they have psychological defects and therefore no friends; they have nothing else.
And the part about psychological defects and no friends? Yeah. The same things that cause problems in real life cause problems on line.
Except that while people always avoid assholes in real life someone made up the rule you couldn’t avoid dipshits online, because they’ll yell censorship or whatever.
But that rule’s bullshit. I can avoid assholes here even easier than in real life. Why shouldn’t I? Because docweasel adds so fucking much?
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:40 AM (QbA6l)
Well, someone’s feeling unappreciated.
Last word by ms:
292 whoa, nerve=hit
Posted by: ms. docweasel at August 19, 2010 02:45 AM (rLs4O)
Ace, you have been a blogger for a while now. The reason a lot of talented bloggers have quit:
1. it doesn’t pay real life money
2. people increasingly don’t give a shit about what someone has to say, even if they the great AceOBase- I mean Spades
3. blogging is getting kind of tired (see 2)
It’s still holding on, but the pure “social network” blog, of which AOS is, more than solid analysis or news, is dying. He talks about “having no friends”, but who is the one staying on the computer all weekend, “honing” blog posts? Ms. Docweasel may not be Kim Kardashian, but I know for a fact she was out this weekend with friends, for one, seeing that stupid Michael Cera movie and having drinks in Ybor City (I think she ate earlier at MacDinton’s, but don’t quote me on that- it’s a Tampa eatery, you wouldn’t know it)
Anyway, we love you Ace, but jesus, get a grip. You’re becoming a parody of a satire of yourself.
We’ll post updates as they come in. We have a feeling he’s not done 😉
UPDATE, A FEW SECONDS LATER: Um, ok, this is kind of sad. I can barely keep up: here are his followup posts
293 I don’t need bitter old sour maids angry at the circumstances of their pathetic lives hitting the sauce late night to come over here, me who said nothing at all to them fair or foul, and shitting on me because they’re drunk and lonely and friendless.
Get your venom support somewhere else, Drinky.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:48 AM (QbA6l)
294 got any parting words, Ginny McBeefeater?
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:49 AM (QbA6l)
295want to tell me some more about your thoughts on the true essence of blogging? And how you’ve managed in six years to attract an audience in the dozens?
Please, before the ban goes in — enlighten me. Let me heareth thy wisdom, Soily McShitpants.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:50 AM (QbA6l)
296please, you wanted some attention you sour old drunken shut in, now the fucking spotlight’s on you. You got what you wanted — attention. Here’s your fucking attention.
ENLIGHTEN ME, DocWeasel. tell me all the shit you need me to know.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:51 AM (QbA6l)
297 fixin’ another highball, lunatic?
299 come on, we all want to hear SO MUCH about what little you know about a joke of a topic (blogging) that still pathetically interests you while the rest of us have moved on. Even real bloggers, like me– the topic is boring. I don’t care about blogging per se– I care about politics and humor.
But trivial minds are attracted to trivial subjects, and since you’re so eager to spout your theories on your no-rent area of dubious expertise — please, by all means, Squirty McPisspants. Do favor us with an exposition.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:54 AM (QbA6l)
300 Oh is it… is it not fun with the whipping boy whips back?
Oh? Have I… have I hurt your feelings, Drinky?
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 02:56 AM (QbA6l)
301 You should try living with her. She’s adopted the European standard for bathing, she has her “liquid medicine” stashed throughout the house and she just lies there when I’m doing my “business”. I’m seriously thinking of nailing her sister, and she’s no bargain. I think death may be my best option.
Posted by: mr. docweasal at August 19, 2010 02:58 AM (xO+6C)
302 Ace,
304 thanks, dr. spank, but I can take care of it… but I appreciate your attempt to raise my humor.
It’s not necessary though — this is actually not me in a bad mood. I’m in a good mood — but I’m just struck by the fact that I don’t NEED people like this drunken bitch around.
Online the scream censorship. You know, we have “censorship” like that in real life — we call OSTRACISM. We call it “Ignoring those we dislike.”
But mutants like docweasel have impressed on the rest of us that that’s just not FAAAIR online.
Bullshit it’s not. You came out of the blue and started talking shit to me for no reason you think I’d ever fucking talk to you again?
No, I wouldn’t. You wouldn’t be invited to my parties in real life and you’e no longer invited to my website online.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 03:02 AM (QbA6l)
305>>>I wasn’t trying to be a jerk when I pointed out the ‘protip’ thing. It’s fucking sweet when you engage the readers, and I find it more interesting when you engage the tough arguments. I change my nick a lot, so you may not realize we’ve had a lot of arguments over the years (never about stupid shit).
You don’t have to apologize, I’m not that ban-happy. You’re safe, no problem.
No, in this case, it’s just — this is a habit. She’s got nothing to do but hit the sauce and talk smack to people with stable psychologies and tonight is emblematic.
She’s got this bullshit tone of superiority to her too. I have NO FUCKING EARTHLY IDEA what could POSSIBLY cause her to imagine she’s superior to anyone.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 03:04 AM (QbA6l)
306did you like the attention you garnered for yourself, docweasel? Was that… was that satisfactory? Did that appease your borderline personality disorder’s need to put yourself at the center of attention by causing disharmony?
So we’re good, right? Right?
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 03:05 AM (QbA6l)
307 okay she’s gone so I can’t expect an answer.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 03:06 AM (QbA6l)
308 “You don’t have to apologize, I’m not that ban-happy. You’re safe, no problem.”LOL, yeah, I did come across that way.
no, I’m not worried about it. I can be a huge asshole too, but it’s not that hard to stay within the standards of the aceofspades blog, ya know?
Posted by: Da Death Panels! at August 19, 2010 03:06 AM (dUOK+)
309 Have you checked out her site? NSFW.
Posted by: mr. docweasal at August 19, 2010 03:09 AM (xO+6C)
310 what a shock… on the important “docweasel” site — where, I’m told, multiple people use the same login to avoid the “star blogger” syndrome (and you know how easily that could befall the gold-standard team at “docweasel,” were they not careful to ground themselves), they are doing further blogging about blogging, and informing me that I should “get over myself.”
My GOD I do respect, of all bloggers, those who blog, and blog, about blogging, and bloggers.
And really, really smart to use the “docweasel” name among several people on your talented, much-read staff, to avoid the “star blogger syndrome” to which such shining stars would alas be all too vulnerable.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2010 03:11 AM (QbA6l)
UPDATE (by the real ms. docweasel)
Um, this is getting kind of scary. Ace, I love you, but you are really going over the edge here.
I don’t know where all the “drunk” comments are coming from, but coming from someone who has just maniacally posted a dozen or more deranged posts, I’d just have to say “projection much?”
Seriously, I didn’t think I’d hit that much of a nerve with you, but from your recent comments, foregoing modesty to basically beg people to appreciate your hard work, I kind of sensed you were getting frayed, and I shouldn’t have prodded someone I kind of felt was close to the edge.
Sort of like kicking a mad dog, I guess,
Seriously, get help. You’re losing it.
UPDATE: I have to document this, it’s an online descent into madness, and when the men in white coats come in the morning (or when Ace sobers up) all this is going down the memory hole, so let’s copy/paste, shall we? (these are all by Ace, one after another)
315 I’m going to start commenting as “just a humble ant’ to avoid the “star blogger syndrome,” which Team Talent at DocWeasel is thusfar avoiding through sheer force of will.
Posted by: just a humble ant at August 19, 2010 03:19 AM (QbA6l)
316 nice, Da Death Panels, i’m working on it now…
Posted by: just a humble ant at August 19, 2010 03:19 AM (QbA6l)
319 rd, yeah, that’s the schtick, like, I guess? “They” (really just one lonely woman) are apparently bloggers on the important topic of blogging itself, so like any critic, they are necessarily superior to the thing being criticized.
Posted by: just a humble ant at August 19, 2010 03:21 AM (QbA6l)
322 I’m sorry–who the fuck are you? Who asked?
I didn’t realize I was getting too “full of myself lately;” I thought I was just recommitting to the blog and putting in some quality work. But Team Talent at DocWeasel — where only by careful ritual and habit can they avoid the “star blogger syndrome” — has detected an uptick in my full-of-himself-edness, and so though, as *public service*, she would do a few shots of her Smirnoff and inform me of such.
Posted by: just a humble ant at August 19, 2010 03:23 AM (QbA6l)
I have to crash, I work in the real world, I’m not a famous blogger, but someone will surely take over the Ace suicide by internet watch for me.
Stay tuned for more laughs from America’s top funnyman, AOS!
UPDATE: I was trying to add more to this post, but Ace is now using many different screennames and it’s just too boring to try to figure out which ones are him, and it’s not really even funny or interesting anymore, although I do wonder how long he can keep it up. By my count, he’s made 28 comments over one remark by ms.
He said he banned her, but she posted a little “there there” comment to him, I see now:
344 “Unhinged”, the blog owner in his own comments thread! I’ve always wanted to witness a public meltdown. I just thought it would be funnier, somehow, at least not sad. Seeing someone freak out like that is too depressing and sad to make fun of, Ace, you might want to consider taking some time off, seriously. You’ve lost all sense of control and proportion. Your fixation on drinking and drunkenness probably reveals a little. I want you to get better, I liked you insane, but better when you weren’t _pathetically_ insane.
Posted by: ms. docweasel at August 19, 2010 03:58 AM (ET76z)