If Hillary falters, why not Biden. Is there even the smallest doubt about why? Is there anyone who doesn’t come to the obvious conclusion in about a second?
Why not Biden? Easy. He’s a white male. The democrat party has gone all-in for identity politics. By all accounts it’s going to be hillary and Castro, the first woman heading up the ticket and the first Hispanic 2nd on the ticket. It’s going to be a long time before anyone not a woman, black, hispanic or other person of color will be viable for the democrats. If a _gay_ white male were to run, the democrats would have another new axe to grind, after daring the USA to _not_ vote for a (half)black man, now a woman, and quite conceivably next a gay person.
That’s why the only other viable candidate is Warren. The democrats have abandoned all pretense when it comes to identity politics. Women can only be represented by another woman, blacks only by another black, hispanics only by other hispanics, whites and Jews need not apply.
The other trope trending is since obama ran, democrats use racial blackmail to dare people not to vote for their identity candidate: if you don’t vote for obama you are racist, no other reason, don’t vote for hillary you are sexist and I’m going out on a limb to guess their next candidate will be Hispanic or even gay, and if you don’t vote for them, well, etc.
Funny how the GOP comes to the same conclusion, but based on merit, and often beats the democrats because they are actually reactionary, reacting to the newest racialist trend: Sandra Day O’Conner, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Sarah Palin (2nd after Ferraro, but that 7 elections ago), Clarence Thomas (2nd black but 1st in a long time) and Alberto Gonzales would have been Attorney General if not for the democrats determined that GWB not be seen as advancing Hispanics as well as blacks on a track ahead of “liberals”.
That’s “why not” Biden and why O’Malley and Sanders, for all his far-leftism, have zero chance. If not hillary, warren will run, mark my words. They must have a woman or a hispanic, another black would be seen as redundant right now. That’s the depth of democrat thinking.