Rumors are swirling about Huma Abedin, who goes everywhere with Hillary!, might be the Democrat front-runner’s scissor sister. This blog, of course, does not deal in innuendo and rumor.
Ok, this stuff is just too good to pass up:
From AOSHQ, Michael Musto has some dirt:
As I recently said on MONICA CROWLEY’s radio show, whisper campaigns are claiming that HILLARY CLINTON is GAYLE KING–ing her aide de camp, the glamorous HUMA ABEDIN, an Indian/Pakistani goddess from Kalamazoo, Michigan. In other words, Hillary may be putting Huma out there in the press and purposely making her more visible as a pre-emptive strike that amounts to her hiding in plain sight. This way, no Republican can later say, “Who is this gorgeous babe who spends so much intimate time with Hillary that the Observer called her Hill’s ‘body person’? Was GENNIFER FLOWERS’s book right about Hillary’s sexual taste?” And does either of this couple have the balls to bottom?
Of course that whole scenario can’t possibly be true, since Bill and Hill have been so lovey-dovey lately for the cameras, and besides, whenever he’s been serviced by an intern—or by anyone—he’s clearly been thinking of his wife. (They’re that close.) But suddenly, Huma—a sort of Muslim SALMA HAYEK—has that spread in Vogue and the accompanying write-up notes that she “oversees every minute of Senator Clinton’s day.” Every single minute? Even Gayle King takes a break now and then! (PS: If I called for comment, Hillary’s camp would surely say, “Just because two powerful women are closer than sardines doesn’t make them dykes.” And that’s so true. Look at MATT and BEN. But now that Crowley has dubbed me the head of Huma Resources, I’m going to pursue this story with every cojone I’ve got.)
That story is from August, so the timing makes sense, at least.
Then again, 1) gays think everyone is gay, 2) gossip columnists think everyone is gay, and 3) gay gossip columnists think even industrial robots are gay.
When asked about it, Hillary! said she doesn’t mind if people say she’s a lesbian.
“How do you respond to the occasional rumor that you’re a lesbian?”
“People say a lot of things about me, so I really don’t pay any attention to it,” Sen. Clinton (D-N.Y.) replied.
NY Observer has more on the woman who might possibly be the center of a huge blogstorm (click to embiggen):
More background on Huma Abedin
Hillary Clinton’s traveling assistant and ‘body person’ Huma Abedin is profiled in the current Vogue. The New York Observer profiled her in April:
The back story, as it were, begins 32 years ago in Kalamazoo, Mich., where Ms. Abedin… lived until the age of 2. Her family then relocated to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where she lived until returning to the States for college. She attended George Washington University. Her father, who died when she was 17, was an Islamic and Middle Eastern scholar of Indian decent. He founded his own institute devoted to Western-Eastern and interfaith understanding and reconciliation and published a journal focusing on Muslim minorities living in the diaspora. Her mother, a renowned professor in Saudi Arabia, is Pakistani…
When she comes to New York, she stays with her sister, who has an apartment in Manhattan… She has no children and has never been married. She’s single… the Clintons’ longtime attorney said that in 11 years of knowing her, he has never seen her wear the same outfit twice. [Link]

The Vogue piece links Huma with John Cusack, establishing her heterosexual creds, I guess.
Village Voice chief gossip Michael Musto speculates the fashion spread and recital of Abedin’s dating history are designed to inoculate Clinton II against a Southern strategy-style smear campaign:
… whisper campaigns are claiming that Hillary Clinton is Gayle King -ing her aide de camp, the glamorous Huma Abedin, an Indian/Pakistani goddess from Kalamazoo, Michigan. In other words, Hillary may be putting Huma out there in the press and purposely making her more visible as a pre-emptive strike that amounts to her hiding in plain sight. This way, no Republican can later say, “Who is this gorgeous babe who spends so much intimate time with Hillary that the Observer called her Hill’s ‘body person’?
… suddenly, Huma–a sort of Muslim Salma Hayek–has that spread in Vogue and the accompanying write-up notes that she “oversees every minute of Senator Clinton’s day…” I told one Pines Democrat the Hillary/Huma scenario and he deadpanned, “That’s a step up from Donna Shalala …” [Link]
Abedin’s recent press outing would been done with Hillary’s consent. The first rule of a press wrangled: never get more press than your client. Indeed, Abedin declined to be interviewed by the Observer earlier this year.
Gennifer Flowers claimed it was true:
“There’s something you need to know. I’ve been hearing tales around town that Hillary is having another thing with a woman.” I watched his face to see his reaction, and couldn’t believe it when he burst out laughing. I was stunned! I asked him what was so funny. “Honey,” he said, “she’s probably eaten more pussy than I have.”
Bill said he had known for a long time that Hillary was attracted to women, and it didn’t really bother him anymore. His first clue came from her lack of enjoyment of sex with him. She didn’t like to experiment and insisted on the missionary position and nothing else. Because she wasn’t enjoying herself; neither was he. Sex with her became a duty; nothing more.”
— Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, [p.42]
I laughed my ass off at the bolded part: now that’s a lot of pussy, although Bill seems to like getting serviced more than serving woman.
Just for reference, here’s some really badly scanned Gennifer Flowers’ Playboy Pictorial Pix that are hardly worth clicking to see her jowls and etc. more clearly.