Allahpundit at HotAir seems to have Chucky Johnson disease: he wants to appear wiser and fairer and more open-minded and high-minded than the general conservative hoi-polloi, so he’s been posting more and more contrarian posts attacking the right, ridiculing their beliefs and just in general being snidely condescending. We call it trolling as posting. He’s trying to gin up comment thread outrage. Jeffords and Specter got nothing on this boy.
My very strong suspicion is that if I posted this on a lefty site, all the Christians there would say yes, of course Jesus wants universal health care. As it is, opinion among Christians here will be unanimous that he doesn’t or that he’d have no opinion (“render unto Caesar,” etc.) Exit question: Aren’t the lefties right?
No, they are not right. This bill was not written by Christ, even if the Messiah does kind of oversee it. It’s not God’s Will that there be socialized medicine, especially with all the unintended side effects. It’s just not that fucking simple, asshole.
Fuck Allahpundit and HotAir too if they all support this kind of shit. Ed Morrisey was named one of Olbermann’s “Best People in the World”, not ironically of sarcastically, but authentically. If you are agreeing with Olbermann, you are an enemy of the party and the movement. We’re interested in building a movement and wresting control of the country back from the evil-mongers who have stolen it, not sucking their dicks for the spoodge of leftard approval. HotAir’s denizens might have that agenda, it seems .
Would Jesus want to see all suffering alleviated? Maybe. He spoke about “the poor being with us always” and eschewed giving everything to them himself. But further, Allahpundit makes a specious argument.
Let’s grant that Jesus would like to see citizens contribute to the well-being of their fellows. But will this bill, or any bill constituted by this Congress do so? Will it alleviate suffering, or will it cause more? Will it damage a very good health care system to the point that rationing, with-holding care for cost reasons, survivability triage and other considerations actually harm more people than it helps?
That’s not even mentioning side issues like paying for abortions and with-holding services from the elderly, or even subtle pressure to accept euthanasia if you are burdening the system with your worthless old self.
I also submit that Christ would not have supported the excesses of socialism or communism, which, let’s be frank, Obama would institute if he could, with Democrats as the elite rulers of all us proles who are too ignorant to know what’s good for us. Also, there is the render unto Caesar point that AP ridicules: God asks for individual sacrifice, not from a state. It’s incumbent upon individuals to give, not force their fellows to do so or to give charity with someone else’s money.
What the fuck does “AP” think he’s proving or helping with shit like that? Other than proving how above it all and better than he is than his readers and commenters. He constantly goes on about how liberal he is about gay marriage and drug laws. Who the fuck cares?
Oh, and he mentioned how he is “barely tolerated” by conservatives for his valiant, fair-minded and superior tolerance. Fuck Allahpundit, fuck him repeatedly. Constantly bragging on your own virtue kind of takes the shine off it. Seems to me, it’s all a pose. Get the fuck off the internet, you parasitic piece of shit. If you hate the movement that badly, then STFU and quit claiming to be a “conservative blog”. Didn’t HotAir accept conservative blog awards? Seems kind of hypocritical, seeing as he thinks the movement is a bunch of bigots and hypocrites. This is the worst kind of scum you find on the nets, suck-ups who want to be loved by the other side. Both sides just end up despising you.
He does this all the time, but he finally got on our nerves enough to post about his fuckery.
Fuck Allahpundit and fuck his snarky, wheedling, self-promoting asininity. People like him aren’t helping the cause. He’s a dickless troll. Shun him and others like him.
Fire Andrea Mitchell!: Latest liberal BS on those opposing ObamaCARE
Speaker for the Living: Dangers of Religious Political Extremism
FactRealMiami anti-Obamacare Eclipsed Obama’s Troops
Reformed Chicks Blabbing: WWJD About Healthcare?
Evangelical Gateway: Morning Report, August 14: Jesus for Universal Health Care? But Wouldn’t Jesus Support Universal Health Care?
Common Composure: $%#*!