I did a little retro-coding to fix a page a blogger wanted to save and today’s online Wall Street Journal picked it up and mentions our site and links the page I coded.
halfway down: ABC’s Funeral
The story is how ABC was fishing for parents and relatives of anyone having a funeral for a killed serviceman from Iraq so they could run it against the inauguration (talk about manufacturing the news) in a ‘pre-planned’ story. Pretty lame. Anyway, the way ABCNEWS configures its pages they are hard to save. When an outcry about the fishing expedition hit the political blahgz, ABC pulled the page. A blahgger saved it, but the configuration of the page is such that it resists “Save page as” and it required a lot of retro-fitting, but the original content of the page is still there. I just fixed some links and .css files.
So, I get a little credit for being a codegeek and the site makes national news and a major media outlet. We rule.