Something I like to do that is mean but kind of gleefully fun when I find a new liberal moonbat website: go back in their archives to 11-01-04 and start reading posts, all the way through the early fake exit polls showing John Fukken Kerry winning handily on up to the concession. The slow meltdown as the blogger figures out Kerry is going to lose is priceless.
Sorry I’m so mean, but I like to cheer myself up with those whenever I read some of the really insane rants accusing the “Repugs”, as they call the GOP, of every thing from being worse than Hitler to wanting to institute Soylent Green in school cafeterias. Reading the leftwingnuts after Alito was confirmed was very satisfying in a karmic way.
Another point picked up from daily reading of DU, Atrios, Kos, Ameriblahg, firedoglake (I’m not linking them, GTFTG if you really must see them)- There is increasing talk about the hard left breaking with the Dems and starting their own party.
Really, I don’t think this is far-fetched at all- in fact, I think its inevitable. The non-filibuster in the Alito confirmation was a case in point: even though there was zero chance of it succeeding, the loony left insisted the attempt be made- it predictably failed, and they were (and are) insanely angry over it.
However, they did make the monkey dance on command. Now don’t you think they are going to continue to flex on every single issue that comes down the pike? Nothing but complete submission to the furthest left stances is acceptable now.
If you dare to buck the Kos/Moveon/Sheehan crowd they threaten with primary challenges, boycotts, cutting off funds. A Dem lobbyist made a disparaging remark about the leftwingnuts (Elmendorf) and Atrios immediately threatened to “out” any Dem who did business with the guy, under pain of being shunned I guess.
Sooner or later this is going to come into MAJOR conflict with the Dem establishment. Howard Dean can’t openly come out in favor of a primary challenge to people like Lieberman- the state party chairs can’t either. Since the Kos Kids leaders blustery “my dick is bigger than yours” rhetoric doesn’t allow them to back down on anything eventually there is going to come a blowup.
I firmly believe that the lefties will split off into their own party by late 2008, if they lose the election, maybe with Dean running as their candidate. The Democrat party will become more centrist, peel off some pro-abortion and mealymouthed Republicans (Christine Todd Whitman and the like) and form coalitions with the new Socialist Democrats (or whatever they call themselves) when convenient, but that the country may very well beheaded the way of Mexico or other one-party dominated Democracies with permanent oppo parties, but no real competition.
This may not be the greatest development for the Reps. I’ve seen alot of drift in practice as opposed to philosophy in Congress in thelast few years. I just hope the Reps don’t become as corrupted, bloated and dependent on the power of set-asides and government financed rewards as the 50’s-80’s Dem lock on congressional power did to them.