Bob Schieffer, long time reporter and current anchor of the CBS “news” said, “We’re going to love Katie,” regarding CBS’s decision to hire a celebrity with zero reporting experience, zero gravitas, zero credibility and zero balance or neutrality, plus the added value of questionable intellect and shallow understanding of the world she’s supposed to “cover”. Even the increasingly liberal and ever-dwindling numbers of CBS viewers are going to find much to hate about Couric.
Its easy enough to find the most egregious examples of Couric’s airheaded liberalism, stupid questions and jaw-droppingly biased
interview style. She lobs softballs at Kofi Annan and accuses religious Americans of being oppressive fascists. She rarely books a conservative capable of standing up to her perky bullying and “when did you stop beating your wife” questioning, but when she does she comes out the decided loser, as in her famous tussle with Ann Coulter. Its doubtful CBS will shield her the way she was protected from her own incompetence at NBC.
Her interviews are the best example of her inability to hide her far-left worldview.
Some of her best gems can be found at Media Matters and elsewhere.