I seriously doubt the “feminists” and other Clenis apologists really believe that fiction that he “was just getting a blow job from a willing participant”- what he did is the very essence of sexual harassment- he used his high position, in fact directly in line to help advance to hurt Monica’s career, to either tacitly, passively or directly get sex from her.
On government time. On government property. With a government employee. Now, I’m not saying he said “blow me or you don’t get Vernon Jordan finding you a job at Revlon-“, no, what he was tacitly saying is all you interns who DON’T give me a blow job DON’T get Vernon Jordan finding you jobs.
He’s using the fact he has power to exploit an underling (no pun intended) and using his power to reward her for being his sex toy- and screwing all those other employees, male and female, who didn’t have sex with him and didn’t get the perks she did.
That’s exactly why feminists are correct about calling attention to the fact that anytime a boss becomes involved sexually, especially ON THE JOB DURING WORK HOURS with an employee, its sexual harassment and abuse- and not just of the person in volved, but in anyone else working there that is negatively effected (as in not getting raises, promotions etc.) by the cocksucker getting perks and they, by not giving head, losing out on perks.
Feminists know this. They knew it while they were arguing the entire “consenting adults private matter” trope. They basically betrayed everything they’d gotten society to agree with them about male dominance in the workplace and the abuse of that power to gain sexual favors. And they flushed it all away because Clinton was pro-abortion, or because they hate the Republicans worse.
In the bad old days, when a boss propositioned you for sex, then punished you when you refused, or when a ditzy secretary started screwing the boss and got raises and promotions over harder-working, less attractive or less whorish co-workers, they had 2 choices- live with it or quit (unless they had the option of also giving the boss ass for cash).
With the dawn of the Feminist there was a 3rd route: justifiably sue his ass for sexual harassment. Well, Paula Jones tried that, and the feminists, instead of backing her, not only weren’t just neutral, they were antagonistic- they attacked her, savaged her, insulted her and slandered her. And in so doing betrayed the entire movement and all its basic tenets. And in the end, for what? A failed president, the first liberal since Carter, and in 8 years he accomplished virtually zero for the liberal cause. All they did manage to accomplish was to save his presidency, and for what?
And this episode just serves to remind us all of that.
Plus the girl does have a nice rack on her. I predict that photo will be highly Photoshopped in the weeks to come.