Reading a drudge link to this story about Sarah Silverman and a skit where she fucks god, or the day after and she’s blowing him off or something. Really, don’t see what the big friggin’ deal is, its a black actor and he’s supposed to be god, so people are offended I guess at the idea, but its pretty silly.
The thing I don’t like about it personally is it seems kind of calculated. I’ve liked Silverman since I first saw her on The Gary Shandling Show as a female writer dissed by the other writers because she’s a girl. I’ve seen a few of her bits through YouTube (I guess they were originally on Comedy Central, perhaps the biggest oxymoron network name in history) but that’s about it.
She what they call quirky and original in the sense that she does comedy that only her doofy character could do, the comedy is not portable to any other medium or character, its pretty much she’s made up this funny character with this attitude and she makes her do and say outrageous stuff, like use the “N” word. In one of her songs, that’s the joke, she says racial slurs, but since she’s a Mary Tyler Moore type character, its funny. haha.
This is the same deal. The entire skit is premised on, and is “funny” because its god and she’s giving him the morning after blow-off I guess Sarah or girls she imagines gives guys. In real life, from my experience, this scene would never play out because I, or anyone I know, would be already getting dressed and trying to take off before the girl woke up, and if she did the entire scene would be unnecessary because we’d be getting the fuck out of there as soon as possible. Unless you really connect with someone, a one-night stand gets all the stereotypical respect a stereotypical skank deserves and gets.
Sure, its a double standard that guys do it and you’re a player, girls do it and your a slut, but that’s society man, not me.
So anyway, Silverman is just hungry for stardom and money and fame, and a good way to succeed on those terms in this day and age is do something outrageous enough to get viral. Go Sarah.
That doesn’t make it funny though.
An interviewer asked Silverman: “Did you take it personally when Jerry Lewis said female comics aren’t funny?”
Her retort: “It’s pathetic that anyone would make a big deal out of that. The guy is a thousand years old.”
That’s her best come-back? I’m not a huge Jerry fan, but he’s right. Can anyone name a funny female comic? I mean since Lucy? Even Gilda Radner was just a bunch of whiny ass one-note characters. Female standup mainly consists of bashing men. Its not funny, but women will laugh when you bash men.
It probably has something to do with the fact that most women have no sense of humor.
I will say I used to think she was kind of cute when I first saw her on Garry Shandling, playing a new female writer who can’t get her jokes on the show because the men are all pigs (objectively, I say the jokes sucked- she probably really wrote them) but just knowing that fugly Jimmy Kimmel is cumming in her every night kind of took the shine off her for me.