There’s a big discussion going on over at Ace of Spades because verbose, boring and dimwitted sockpuppet farmer Glenn Sockpuppet Greenwald has written some post, which I won’t link to or read, about the fact that the right talking up machismo means they are calling all lefties faggots, but in fact, its the RIGHT who are the faggots.
Of course Glenn Sockpuppet Greenwald admits and celebrates his homosity, so unless he is of the self-hating variety, I’d think that’d be a compliment, like “hey dude, you’re a real faggot!”, like a Jew calling you a mensch or something.
But I guess not. And the conversation continues with examples of how lefty wingnuts are always calling conservatives faggots, and even long dissertations about the fact that
A. most conservatives are closet gays and
2. why they are.
It seems like some projection, not to mention obsessive behaviour is going on here, but it doesn’t take much googling to find left wingnuts (just like Glenn Sockpuppet Greenwald) slavering over Communists, Islamofascists and other sociopaths. And perhaps we have now found the reason: they are gay machismo saturated butch sado-master type of men like Castro, Chavez, Cindy Sheehan, Hillary!, etc.
Fer example:
How about this love letter from Matthew Yglesias to Ahmadinejad: I’m not saying Matt is gay, but it sure sounds to me like he has a serious man-crush on the Iranian mad-man. Have you EVER described any man in these terms?
I keep talking about this with people in real life, but it deserves a blog mention as well — Mahmoun Ahmadinejad has a pretty sweet hipster style. It all starts with a beard not unlike the one I and many of my twentysomething male friends sport. But it goes deeper. The man went without a tie to address the UN General Assembly. And I was in a bar where the TV was showing his interview with Anderson Cooper (it’s DC, these things happen) and while there was no sound, he certainly looked witty and charming.
There was also this clip of him walking down some hallway shooting the shit with Kofi Annan. It’s like diplomacy! Bush should try it. One gets the sense that he’s getting his stody red tie-wearing ass kicked this session by sundry third world goons and it’s really not a proud moment for the United States
oooo, he’s so witty and charming, even when ranting about wiping the entire Jewish nation off the planet!
Its in the way he walks, its in the way he talks, and that sweet hipster style and fashionable Mark Macguire beard Ynglesias’ friends “sport” (which was cool about during the years Maguire was shooting up ‘roids before every at-bat, but I digress). And a clip of him walking down a hallway ‘shooting the shit with Kofi! Its like diplomacy! Bush should try it!” – yeah, because god knows if there’s anything at which Mahmoun excels, its, like, diplomacy! He’s like Paris Hilton mated with Von Ribbentrop!
Ok, now that’s fucking gay. And, ipso facto, Yglesias must be a faggot, or at least bi-curious, at least for swarthy, tie-less middle Persian types. And Glenn Sockpuppet Greenwald is a gay faggot (he even brags about his beefy Brazilian boyfriend, so I’m only reporting here.
“I keep talking about this with people in real life”??? You and your buds have strange subjects of conversation, sitting around having a cold one, concerning the relative hotness of Iranian despots. How did you feel about Saddam’s ball-tickling Stalinesque lip fringe? Well, whatever floats your boat, Matt and Glenn Sockpuppet Greenwald (according to Wikipedia, Greenwald is a master sockpuppet wrangler).