I read the left both to ridicule them, and to try and see what issues they are the most het up about.
Mostly, I find, they are pissed off the Democrats aren’t more powerful and getting more Democrat things done. What those things are, they are not always so clear about. A lot of times, they want things done that will get more Democrats elected, so they can do more things to get Democrats elected, I guess.
Also, I read so I can witness, first hand, how ignorant leftwingnuts are about the other 2/3 of the country, and so I’m not as unschooled about them as they seem to be about me.
Right Wing News links to a Kos post by the oddly named Cenk Uyger in which he states, among other inanities:
Islamic Countries Can Suck Jesus’s Chocolate Covered C***…Meanwhile, over here in this part of never, never land, the Catholic crazies are all freaked out over a chocolate Jesus. So what????????
I just don’t get it. I’m being literal. I don’t understand what’s offensive about a chocolate Jesus. Maybe I didn’t read the part of the Bible that talks about not making graven images of the Lord in chocolate (and it’s possible, since the Bible has so many other things that are institutionally nuts I wouldn’t rule it out). Why does anyone care that it’s in chocolate?
…The other part of this so-called chocolate Jesus controversy is his cock. Apparently he has one. Someone hide the children. It turns out humans have dicks. No, you don’t say.
I’m not a Shintoist, nor a Buddist, nor a Jew. However, I do understand their rituals, beliefs, and can generally relate to things they feel are offensive to their religion. Taking an icon or major symbol of a religion and ridiculing it and displaying it in a way believers feel is blasphemous is just being offensive for the sake of outrageousness. Its not art. Its using shock value to sell your lame attempts at being an artist. If you suck at art, attack religion, and Christianity is probably the safest and most acceptable religion to attack with little risk of blowback.
The Uyger moron is an ignorant ass, and he blogs bragging about how stupid he is. He can’t understand religion, he doesn’t believe, and those who do are fools and sheep and deluded. He doesn’t understand religion, practice it or believe in it, but he can make this assertation, well I guess just because his ignorant non-understanding gives him special insight I guess.
Why any Christian is a Democrat, when a large slice of the nutroots are openly distainful, hostile and outright offensively outspoken against Christianity and religion in general is a mystery. I guess they’ll eventually drive all religious people out of the party, much like all the sensible moderates in the mold of Sam Nunn or Joe Lieberman, will be driven out by the far left socialist pacifist feminist pro-abortion anti-gun anti-religion far left.
The rise of the internet has been good for the Republicans, it will ultimately be disasterous for the Dems because the far left fringe is now capable of making much more noise than they can support in votes, and they increasingly find themselves unable to brook any deviation from a hard left line. Very soon this may, if not drive out of the party religious blacks (who are not crazy about gay rights or abortion rights), it will at least kill turnout. Without a large turnout of the 90% black vote, Dems would not be a viable national party. I look forward to the nutroots eventually A. splintering the party B. quitting the party and forming a far left party that will siphon votes much as the Green Party did in past elections C. destroy the Democrat brand once and for all with radical positions forced upon the leadership and the presidential candidates.
Post on Uyger, let’s get that stupidity out there for all to see.