This started as a comment but got me worked up into an entire post.
Unfortunately, there is still a huge swath of humanity that gets its news from MSM sources, and still trusts those sources. And if both those categories fit you, you are probably one of the people that thinks “George W. Bush is the worst president ever” because that is what all MSM, be itin the US or down under, feeds us.
Fortunately, blogs like Cadillac Tight and millions of others are getting the real story out. That’s why, despite a non-stop media BARRAGE about bad war news and anti-Bush propaganda, 54% of Americans believe the surge is working and still believe the war is worth fighting.
Cadillac Tight writes about a poll in Australia:
Say it ain’t so:
MORE than half of all Australians believe George W. Bush is the worst president in American history, a new poll shows. The Galaxy poll, commissioned by the Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW), found 52 per cent of Australians believed Mr Bush was the United States’ worst-ever president.
The Australian Medical Association for the Prevention of War? Yes, let’s do take their poll at face value, by all means.
I have faith in our Aussie brothers, and Australia always has been, and still is, one of our top allies, right up there with Britain (unlike Canada, who now take our protection for granted to the point they sanctimoniously look down on us and preach at us, and they have that luxury because the US army kept them from being the biggest province of the USSR.)
Anyway, eventually the Army of Davids (thanks Instapundit) will make its presence known and spread truth and light and the Aussies will agree President Bush is a revolutionary and visionary- instead of decades of coddling dictators in the cynical and bigoted idea that Arabs can’t handle or don’t deserve democracy, an idea which has NOT led to peace in the Mid East, he has the novel idea that Arabs want, deserve, and can handle democracy, and the world will be better for it.
For my money, that makes him one of the greatest presidents ever. If FDR and Truman had felt that way, maybe we wouldn’t have had an Iron Curtain and a Cold War.
Well, that comment almost equals a post, but this got me worked up. Friggin’ traitorous MSM is worldwide, not just in the US. Read Tim Blair to see the Australian ABC exposed as as leftist as the American alphabet networks.
I’m not saying Australians aren’t smart enough to get it, or that Americans are superior, its just that I understand that if you get a non-stop stream of disinformation, with nothing to off-set it, you might start believing summer is in December and winter is in July or something weird like that.
You Aussies know what I mean;
Everybruce: Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you amen!