Bill Maher, dickhead and a she-male’s bottomboi
Bill Maher has a “Top 12 Dickheads of 2008” column in Rolling Stone, that execrable rag whose opinions on music have always been worthless, their opinions on politics merely far-left loony and so infantile that to criticize them would be to take them more seriously than they are worth.
First off, Maher is the very definition of a dickhead. He obviously doesn’t know what a dickhead is, though. Someone who shoots innocent college students in a murderous rampage is not a dickhead, fucko. They are criminal, insane, disturbed, full of hate and bad wiring. Further, the college authorities who refused law-abiding students their constitutional right to defend themselves, while not providing security against those who would ignore this “no gun zone” rule to do harm to others, deserves the title of bastard, incompetent and unintelligent, but not dickhead.
The same with the majority of his list, whose main claim to “dickhead” seems to be that their politics differ from Mahers, including the core 33% (not 25%, as Maher claims, btw) who think Bush is doing a very difficult job probably as well as it can be done, and certainly the alternative candidates in ’04 and ’08 would be much worse, well, they are all dickheads in his mind. You’re a dickhead if you don’t agree George W. Bush is a terrible president. Not merely of a different opinion, which being one of those I’d be glad to defend, no, you are just a dickhead. So much for reasoned debate.
Hey Bill, you elitist, effete snob metro-sexual howling moonbat pandering demagogue, let me clue you in on what a dickhead actually is. A dickhead is someone who will mock a recently deceased celebrity who, by all accounts, never did any harm to anyone, never caused great public offense, say, by comparing terrorist suicide bombers as relatively moral to our own military. To a celebrity who was never caught out with hookers. Who was never accused of sexual harassment and unwanted fondling by a member of the public. Who was never accused of smacking his she-male lover around for sexual kicks.
To someone who, by all accounts, was a wonderful family man who loved his wife and children and dedicated his life to pursuit of knowledge, the education of the public about wild life and conservation and ecology and preservation of species. Someone who died in that very pursuit, and whose family would be very aggrieved and hurt by public mocking of this very good man for no reason other than to shock people, gain notoriety for oneself and cement one’s reputation as an self-described iconoclast.
In other words, the kind of guy who would wear a costume graphically mocking the death of Steve Irwin a few month after his tragic death is a dickhead, Bill. You’re also a fucking douchebag, literally, a bag of douche. You say and do things to intentionally piss people off. You do so to further your own career, with no thought to the people you hurt when you do it. Only a real dickhead would intentionally try to piss people off for its own sake as a career. Only a douchebag would do so while riding a high-horse of moral indignation.
Bill Maher is a fucking douchebag. Bill Maher is a fucking dickhead. That’s for googlisms to archive, so when narcissistic Bill Googles himself he can be satisfied he has pissed more people off with his whinging, lying, whoring and dickheadtry. The Asshattery, Fucktard and Sorry Ass Motherfucker tags were created for people like Bill Maher, but he is the epitome of all three.
He calls his show “Politically Incorrect” not because it is, but because he calculates it will piss someone off. Since being PI is basically not toeing the leftist political line, he’s not even accurate with his nomenclature. He is the leftists leftist. When he says something like “the 9-11 hijackers aren’t cowards, our own pilots are cowards”, he’s not being PI, he’s pandering to this wacko, leftist barking moonbat audience. He knows they lap that shit up like he does his own spooge off a shemale whore’s ass after he pulls out and shoots all over “her” buttcrack.
Politically Incorrect is shorthand for saying “I’m so fucking honest, I’ll say what all you cowards don’t have the balls to say, and if you disagree with me, its because you are all tools of the same fascist hierarchy”. Its a refutation of any disagreement or debate before the fact. I’m right and I’m righteous for saying so, and you are fucking either wrong or purposely denying my great truth because you are either afraid of or part of the big machine that rule us all, man.
In less complicated times, we’d just say he was an asshole. Now, he is more accurately decribed as a “dick with ears”, or, more succinctly, a dickhead. Bill Maher is a dickhead.