If pulling shit out of your ass is so valued in the MSM, I should be worth a million dollar contract. I know I can come up with more plausible and interesting crap than assholes like Chris Cilizza.
Do these idiots realize how stupid they sound, or is it just that any knocking of President Bush and any Republican, especially the ’08 nominee, are met with approving nods and high fives by the cretins of the left.
Here’s an example of some lame-ass analysis from bullshit artist Chris Cilizza:
President Bush: In the nine states for which The Post purchased exit polling data (Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Tennessee), the president’s disapproval rating was above 40 percent in five. That includes a 52 percent disapproval score in New York, a 49 percent disapproval rating in New Jersey and a 42 percent disapproval in California. Did we mention these include Republican primary voters? The other bit of bad news for Bush is that among those who disapproved of the job he has done, McCain won overwhelmingly — meaning that the likely 2008 nominee will, in the minds of many GOP-leaning voters, be a repudiation of the current president.
Yeah, right. Let’s take the stupidity and spinning he’s doing here while pretending to analyse the election.
First off, the italics are his. Ok, mention it. That means, your sample was a mix of all voters. Just like the national approval level is based on all voters. Bush has a disapproval level of 40-50% according to your figures above.
Even FOX gives him a much worse score than that in their latest poll:
Most Recent (30-31 Jan 08)
Approve 33% 36% 30% 11% 63% 30%
Disapprove 60% 57% 63% 86% 26% 61%
Since you libruls believe FOX is in the tank for Bush, the figures are probably even WORSE in reality, right?
So the figures you cite are actually well above those for the country, meaning among people who actually vote, i.e. your exit polled people, Bush is doing about 15-20 points better than nationally. So, my point is, what the fuck is your point? And why the italics? If it was ONLY Republicans, you’d have some news. As it is, you got bupkis. Save your italics for real news.
Second off, its risible to claim a vote for McCain is a repudiation of Bush. Much more than anyone else, McCain has positioned himself as Bush’s heir. He’s assumed complete responsibility for the war, with zero apologies on the merits of going in and a very hawkish stance on its continued prosecution. He has not loudly criticized Bush. His immigration stance is closer to Bush than any of the candidates still standing, indeed, any of the Republican candidates this year. He says he’ll name judges like Roberts and Alito.
Bush certainly signed and gave approval of McCain/Feingold.
Where, pray tell, does McCain deviate from George W. Bush in any significant policy or issue? Answer: he doen’t. Cilizza bases his bullshit analysis on the fact McCain won most of the votes of people who disapproved of Bush. But McCain had a big night. He won most of the votes, period. He doesn’t give us the numbers his consortium purchased of the people who APPROVE of Bush who voted for McCain, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess McCain won a majority of them too, that’s probably why Cilizza doesn’t mention them. McCain won a majority of votes across the board. I guess you can spin it to mean a vote for McCain is repudiation of, an endorsement of, or a “my primary vote has zero to do with President Bush, since neither he nor his VP is running” vote re: President Bush.
Why the FUCK does a wanker like Cilizza get big bucks, free accommodations and travel and face time on national TV to spout this kind of drivel. Elsewhere in the column, he bitches about having to travel around and revels in the fact that for VA, MD and DC primaries he can just sit at home and write unfounded tripe like this.
Hey Chris, if its so burdensome, I’ll take your fucking gig in a heartbeat. I don’t even have to travel about on an expense account to knock down your bullshit spin.
He should be on the Democrat payroll, and likely he is.