What she should have said to Obama Sweetie:
Barack Obama: I’ll take questions from Dana, Ben and Dave. Hold on one second, sweetie.
Peggy Agar WXYZ: Senator Obama? My name is Peggy. Its not Tootsie, or Toots, or Sweetie or Honey or Doll.
Obama: Oh Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ…
Peggy Agar WXYZ: No, just Peggy. Now Dana Milbank is always Dana and David Gregory is always Dave and Ben Smith is always Ben. I have a name too, its Peggy, capital P-E-G-G-Y. Peggy. Excuse me Senator.
[slams down mic]
The dust-up started here, in case you don’t follow campaign trivia:
Reporters on the presidential campaign trail are buzzing about Barack Obama calling WXYZ’s Peggy Agar “sweetie” during a tour Wednesday of a Chrysler plant in Sterling Heights.
The comment came during a tour of the plant when the Democratic presidential candidate tried to brush off a question from Agar about help for autoworkers. “Senator, how are you going to help the American autoworkers,” Agar asked Obama. “Hold on one second, sweetie,” he replied, explaining he would answer in a later media availability.
In a posting on the New York Times Political Blog titled “Obama: Hold On, Sweetie,” reporter Jim Rutenberg pointed out this wasn’t the first time Obama used the word: “Back in Pennsylvania in early April, Senator Barack Obama took some heat for calling a female factory worker ‘sweetie,’ in Allentown.”
Obama has now apologized so the media has pronounced the kerfuffle over and the Messiah absolved of all blame. Obama probably doesn’t like being called sweetie either.
HotAir has the story on the absolution for Sweetiegate:
One honest point gets made in this piece. The presenter notes that it matters who says it. Apparently it’s perfectly fine for an enlightened Democrat to use condescending terms, especially if they have charisma and charm. It reminds me of another double standard on sexual harassment in the workplace and another attractive, charming Democrat.
I don’t think Sweetiegate matters so much for what it says about Barack Obama, whose use of this came precisely as a dismissal to the WXYZ reporter. It says much more about feminist activists and their remarkable flexibility when presuming to know the interior dialogue of the minds of men.
Drew M. has more.